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Problem with configuring Mail Server in Mahara
17 May 2016, 20:42
Hi good morning Thank you for helping to solve the problem.
I comment I made an installation of mahara in a virtual machine with a Ubunutu Server 15.04, I have created a server running with Postfix e Courirer pop3 and imap courirer and Squirrelmail to access the web mail. I have also configured a particular bind9 dns server.
He also commented that I downloaded files Spanish language translation although not all translated.
My problem are three:
El Primero not see the option to mahara 15.0.1 allows users conduct a search without being registered. What I have to do with an administrator account and I give them high with the administrator account
Is there any way to enable that option ?.
The second problem is that when I fill out a contact form, sending tells me that the form has been sent correctly, but then when I enter my mail server I do not see any form.
And finally when to register a user when I finish the process, mahara default send an email to the email address I have written anteriomente.Cuando mahara will send mail tells me that failed, they could not send and automatically shows me the request to change the user's password.
I need to find a solution.
Thank you so much
My mail server is Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail then I leave the configuration of both postfix and squirrelmail
17 May 2016, 23:52
Hi Victor,I hope I can help you with El Primero!
To allow users that are online but not in the group to search on it, you will need to update each group's setting.
Groups > My Groups > group settings icon
Publicly viewable group = yes.
To make it a bit more private for the members of the group, you can also set:
Hide membership = yes.
Also on the same settings page.
Is this what you're after?
Also, can you confirm the Mahara version - is it 15.10 or 15.04?
18 May 2016, 21:52
Thanks Ghada
I confirm Use Mahara 15.10.1 .
With regard to my first problem or issue I mean if it is possible to enable in paragraph login , when accessing the home page mahara the option to register user , because if this option exists and I do not have to register users manually by the administrator.
Thank you so much
A greeting
Victor Hernandez Casal
19 May 2016, 20:14
Yes, I would like to enable the logging option, that is, as it has here mahara.
I want the option to register when they enter my portfolio in the Login section appears, and thus not tenog them to give a user administrator High
19 May 2016, 21:54
Hi Victor,OK. If I understand your requirements, you can enable self registration from the institution admin area.
* Administration > Institutions
* Select your institution. If you did not set up one, you can use 'no institution'.
* set 'Registration allowed' = yes
* set 'Confirm registration' = no
* save.
A link will then appear on the login page for users to self register. You will not need to approve them when 'Confirm registration' = no.
I hope this helps.
Please let me know how you go with this.
19 May 2016, 23:08
When I fill out a contact form within mahara, he tells me who sent the message correctly .But when I go to my mail server I see nothing
And also fails when you send an email when I alata to a user.
My Settings Mail is: bind9 DNS server, Postfix + Courier imap and pop Courirer and Squirrelmail to access the mail server via webmail
Image of DNS Configuration
Postfix configuration image
Setting image SquirrelMail
20 May 2016, 5:38
Hi Victor,Have you set up the mail settings in Mahara?
It is done from:
* Administration > Site settings
Please fill out the section for your email server settings.
Hope this helps.
21 May 2016, 9:24
Hi Victor,I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, setting up and configuring email is not what I know.
Have you tried the forums for those applications?
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