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no more chance to post URLs in forums

Andrea Ghoneim's profile picture
Posts: 6

20 April 2016, 4:31

Dear community,

since last week we encounter the following problems in groups in Mahara 15.10.1 ( and 1.9.2 (

When trying to post a link in a forum (no matter, which URL),
there is always "an error submitting the form" (i.e.: the posting is not sent) and the comment "a URL in this field contains the blacklisted domain [+ name of the domain]"

Please find a screenshot below to illustrate the problem.

Do you have any idea what can cause this problem?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,



Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

20 April 2016, 16:10

Hi Andrea,

I'm not sure why you're getting this error message. I've checked in the spam blacklist sites Mahara uses:



And, your domain is not in there (thank goodness)...

If your sites are checking for spam, they will have these settings enabled:

* Administration > Configure site > Site options > Security settings:

- Virus checking = Yes

- Anti-spam = Advanced

- Spamhaus URL blacklist = Yes  (and / or SURBL URL blacklist = Yes)

If you want to temporarily get around this issue, set Anti-spam = Simple.

But, this is not a proper fix. It's just to get you working.

Can you please let me know if you are getting any errors in the error logs (and what they are)? Please make sure that error logging is enabled.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

22 April 2016, 15:00

Hi Andrea,

A staff member also got the same issue, we also are getting this blacklist error with any link that is posted to a forum.

A URL in this field contains the blacklisted domain

Also checked the site we had issues with as per the above reply.

Will update if I find anything else.

* New users cannot post links, sorry if the message seems bland.

Edit: Have changed Anti-Spam to Simple for the links to work for the time being.



Mahara version: 15.04.3

Andrew Lian's profile picture
Posts: 15

30 April 2016, 8:20

Hello everyone. I just installed version 15.x.x (latest stable version before release of v. 16.0.4) and am also getting the same error. I have literally not used the system beyond a couple of test items.

Thanks for any insights

Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

30 April 2016, 9:38

Hi Andrew,

Sorry to hear you're also having trouble.

Can you please tell me which Php version your server is running?

Also, are you using PostGres or MySql? and it's version.?

What is the operating system and version?

Can you please let me know if you are getting any errors in the error logs (and what they are)? Please make sure that error logging is enabled.

Andrea Ghoneim's profile picture
Posts: 6

07 May 2016, 0:25

Dear Ghada, dear all,


for our Mahara ( the setting

Anti-spam = Simple

was a good solution for the issue. We didn't run error-logs before that, but we are doing it now.


Thanks for the quick help and sorry for the late thanks,





Robin Leung's profile picture
Posts: 12

06 December 2017, 11:50

I've just tested this with a domain and experience the same issue as everyone here.

Currently on version 16.10.2.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

27 December 2017, 11:23

Hi Robin,

There was a problem with the Advanced Spam filter 'SURBL URL blacklist' option.

In the past Mahara would query via a .com URL to SURBL, but they changed their system to a .org URL recently.

This problem of Mahara talking to the wrong URL was fixed in 16.10.3 release.

I was able to replicate you problem in 16.10.2 but not in 16.10.3

Please update to the latest stable release of 16.10 (currently 16.10.6)



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