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Skipping long-running cron jobs

Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

08 April 2016, 8:03

You'll need to run the delete Sql first.
zz s's profile picture
Posts: 9

08 April 2016, 14:36

Hi Both:

I receive exactly error messgae as Paul  by following Ghada suggestion,

Still the problem is continuing, And I also found that the graph.php file was not in  mahara-15.10.1. 

so far I could not found any syntax error in the graph.php file, but the system is reporting a error in there, strange......


so far the varilable of 

$defaultcolours = ['187,35,39','59,140,46','61,132,203','227,171,0','0,74,136','139,62,138','220,109,10','29,183,197','116,116,116','62,35,110'];

only exist in the last lines;

I wonder if I narrow the 



['187,35,39','59,140,46',];        (for example) is it will cause  unrecoverable error?


Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

08 April 2016, 21:21

Hi zz,

It doesn't fill me with confidence that your code base was missing graph.php. Did you do an upgrade from a previous version?

If you don't have any customisations, I would delete the Mahara directory and download the latest 15.10 and try again.  Make sure to save your config.php file somewhere safe first.

Please let me know if this works for you.


13 April 2016, 18:35

Hi Ghada,

my update was from 1.8.1 to 15.10.2.

I still have 2 mahara on 2 differents URLs (2 files system + 2 BDD) : the newer and the older...

I confirm the file graph.php is missing in Mahara 1.8.1 but is present in 15.10.2.

Perhaps may I try to update like this  ?

1.8.1 >> 1.10 and then >> 15.10.2

Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

13 April 2016, 19:20

Hi Jean-Paul,

Yes, that's a good idea.

I recently upgraded a heavily customised Mahara 1.8 to 15.04 with a stepped upgrade to 1.10 in the middle:

1.8 -> 1.10 -> 15.04.

I strongly recommend a stepped upgrade - especially when there are customisations.

Please update us on your progress.





13 April 2016, 20:48

When upgrading from 1.8.1 to 1.10.9, an error occurs :

(core) :

Could not execute command: UPDATE "site_content" SET institution = ?

Call stack (most recent first):
  • execute_sql("UPDATE {site_content} SET institution = ?", array(size 1)) at /var/www/html/eportfolio.1.8.1/mahara/htdocs/lib/db/upgrade.php:2995
  • xmldb_core_upgrade("2013101405") at /var/www/html/eportfolio.1.8.1/mahara/htdocs/lib/upgrade.php:359
  • upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /var/www/html/eportfolio.1.8.1/mahara/htdocs/admin/upgrade.json.php:86
For your information :

mysql> describe site_content;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| name        | varchar(50)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| content     | text         | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| ctime       | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| mtime       | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| mauthor     | bigint(10)   | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| institution | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI |         |       |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name,institution from site_content;
| name               | institution   |
| about              | enstabretagne |
| home               | enstabretagne |
| loggedouthome      | enstabretagne |
| privacy            | enstabretagne |
| privacy            | mahara        |
| termsandconditions | enstabretagne |
| termsandconditions | mahara        |
| home               | mahara        |
| loggedouthome      | mahara        |
| uploadcopyright    | mahara        |
| about              | mahara        |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

13 April 2016, 21:49


I think you had the same issue before :

You'll need to drop the  db first before you restore it.


14 April 2016, 22:18

Yes, thank you....

I returned on my 1.8.1... cron is running and everything is ok.

I tried to upgade to 1.10 but :


$ php admin/cli/upgrade.php

[14-Apr-2016 12:10:15] [WAR] 7a (lib/mahara.php:187) Une colonne de votre base de données utilise un format d'encodage de données différent de celui défini par défaut pour la base de données. Assurez-vous que toutes les colonnes aient bien le même format d'encodage que celui de la base de données.
[14-Apr-2016 12:10:15] Call stack (most recent first):
[14-Apr-2016 12:10:15]   * ensure_upgrade_sanity() at /var/www/html/eportfolio.1.8.1/mahara/htdocs/admin/cli/upgrade.php:46
[14-Apr-2016 12:10:15]


My database was created like that :

mysql> create database eportfolio181 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

And I used this tips change_collation.php



15 April 2016, 20:30

I installed a new mahara 15.10.2 with a new BDD - no data....

Running PluginSearchElasticsearch::cron
Running PluginInteractionForum::interaction_forum_new_post
Running core cron activity_process_queue
Running core cron import_process_queue
Running core cron export_process_queue
Skipping long-running cron job core_cron_site_data_daily (Fri, 15 Apr 2016 10:19:01 +0200).
Running core cron user_login_tries_to_zero
Running core cron check_imap_for_bounces
Running core cron watchlist_process_notifications

Sorry for the question but : there is a bug or not ?

15 April 2016, 21:04

sorry, the older folder with all the data was declared...

So I re installed a new mahara 15.10, a new bdd, a new data folder, etc...

I declare my crontab :

* * * * *      php -f /var/www/html/mahara/files/htdocs/lib/cron.php


and then the CRON IS STILL NOT RUNNING in the administrator pannel)



(auth/ldap/lib.php:1341) ---------- started groupsync auth instance 3 at Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:01:01 +0200 ----------
auth/ldap/lib.php:1344) Not set to sync groups, so exiting
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginAuthWebservice::clean_webservice_logs
INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginNotificationEmaildigest::send_digest
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginSearchElasticsearch::cron
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginBlocktypeExternalfeed::cleanup_feeds
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginBlocktypeExternalfeed::refresh_feeds
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginInteractionForum::clean_forum_notifications
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginInteractionForum::interaction_forum_new_post
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron auth_clean_partial_registrations
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron auth_clean_expired_password_requests
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron auth_handle_account_expiries
INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron auth_handle_institution_expiries
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron activity_process_queue
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron auth_remove_old_session_files
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron recalculate_quota
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron import_process_queue
INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron export_process_queue
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron submissions_delete_removed_archive
[DBG] e8 (lib/cron.php:451)     setting mday to 1
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_send_registration_data
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron export_cleanup_old_exports
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron import_cleanup_old_imports
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_site_data_weekly
[INF] e8 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_site_data_daily
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/html/mahara/files/htdocs/lib/graph.php on line 162
---------- cron running Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:02:02 +0200 ----------
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:501) Skipping long-running cron job core_cron_site_data_daily (Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:01:01 +0200).
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_check_for_updates
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_clean_internal_activity_notifications
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_sitemap_daily
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron file_cleanup_old_cached_files
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron user_login_tries_to_zero
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_institution_registration_data
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_institution_data_weekly
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_institution_data_daily
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron check_imap_for_bounces
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron cron_event_log_expire
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron watchlist_process_notifications
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron webservice_clean_webservice_logs
[INF] db (lib/cron.php:168) ---------- cron finished Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:02:02 +0200 ----------

 a few minutes later...


[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:31) ---------- cron running Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:15:02 +0200 ----------
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:75) Running PluginSearchElasticsearch::cron
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron activity_process_queue
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron import_process_queue
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:501) Skipping long-running cron job core_cron_site_data_daily (Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:01:01 +0200).
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron user_login_tries_to_zero
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron check_imap_for_bounces
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:137) Running core cron watchlist_process_notifications
[INF] c5 (lib/cron.php:168) ---------- cron finished Fri, 15 Apr 2016 11:15:02 +0200 ----------