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Export fails return code 10

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 17

27 August 2015, 1:33


I'm looking to test the export utility for some students that have graduated.

At first try I was told the "zip utility is not available"

I added the following lines


"$cfg->pathtozip=/usr/bin/zipinfo' (I was expecting to find "zip" but it does say it's an executable.)

Operating system is Debian 7.5 and Mahara version 1.9

I'm now able to start the export process using the Leap2A process but the progress bar stop and returns "Failed to zip the export file: return code 10 Continue"

Thanks for any help

Son Nguyen's profile picture
Posts: 28

31 August 2015, 10:23

Hi Clint,

zipinfo is not correct command to zip files in the mahara export functionality. You need to install zip on your debian system:

sudo apt-get install zip



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