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Failed Upgrade 1.10.4 to 15.04.2
24 July 2015, 9:15
Failed to get a recordset: mysqli error: [1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'bloccate_sor_uix'] in adodb_throw(UPDATE "blocktype_category" SET "sort" = 1 WHERE "name" = 'survey' , ) Command was: UPDATE "blocktype_category" SET "sort" = ? WHERE "name" = ? and values was (1,survey)
- update_record("blocktype_category", object(stdClass), "name") at/home/benchmar/public_html/mahara/lib/db/upgrade.php:3850
- xmldb_core_upgrade("2014092321") at/home/benchmar/public_html/mahara/lib/upgrade.php:359
- upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at/home/benchmar/public_html/mahara/admin/upgrade.json.php:86
09 August 2015, 9:58
blocktype_category survey sort value was null. Set this to the next value and the upgrade completed successfully.