Forums | Mahara Translation
How to convert countries.php from Moodle to Mahara
08 June 2009, 14:18
Moodle defines the list of countries in countries.php using the following format:
$string['CZ'] = 'Czech Republic';
In Mahara, country names are defined in lang/xx.utf8/mahara.php using the format:
$string[''] = 'Czech Republic';
I have used the following commands to convert country names translated in the Moodle language package to the Mahara format:
$ grep "\$string" countries.php | awk -v APO="'" -F\' '{print $1 APO "country." tolower($2) APO $3 APO $4 APO $5}' -
08 June 2009, 18:02
Hi - that should make things easy for people, I added a link to this thread from the translating basics page (at the bottom). Good job