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Mahara can't create groups

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

12 November 2014, 3:28

Hello !


i'm running mahara in a ruby stack on Ubuntu. (also tried LAMP but received the same error)

I set up everything so far, and almost everything works. But if i create a group, the url is not accessible.

For example i create the group : testgroup 

So Mahara should create the group with the url "myserver/mahara/group/testgroup" . But this page cannot be found. But if i search my groups i can find it in the list.
Same issue with users.

I think the problem is a missing permission on the server, but which one, and how do i set this permission ?


I appreciate any help. Thank you ! 

12 November 2014, 4:46


Try to deactivate the clear URLs feature and try again. If you then can access your groups and the users' pages, it means your set up for clear URLs is wrong somewhere.

If your are sure with your settings you can ask Mahara to recreate all the URLs in the clean URLs admin page.

If it doesn't work, I would suggest you double-check the instructions on how to set up Apache and your Mahara to take benefice of the clean URLs feature.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

12 November 2014, 4:54

Yes, thank you very much ! This is the solution.
I appreciate !

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