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Deactivate validation emails

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 4

26 August 2014, 23:46

Is there a way to deactivate through administration options the email validation when an user registers or do I have to hack the code?

If so, would you be so kind to point me to the proper method?

Thank you.

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

28 August 2014, 8:33

There is kinda a way to do it currently.

In the auth/lib.php file near line 2400 we have:

      if (isset($values['authtype']) && $values['authtype'] == 'browserid') {

So if the institution is using the authentication method 'Persona (browserid)' and has 'confirm registration' turned off it will skip the email out and fully register the new user.


However, if you want to have that happen for other authentication types you will need to hack the code, so if you want that for the internal auth method you'd need something like:

    if (isset($values['authtype']) && ($values['authtype'] == 'browserid') || $values['authtype'] == 'internal')) {

But saying that it is good practice to get users to activate via email because it guarantees that they entered their email address correctly :)



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