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Export fails asking install zip command on server

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

08 June 2014, 6:08

Hi, i have this problem with export. It says zip command not installed on server. I contact my webserver company they told me we don't have that installed but we have gzip. Does someone have a solution or knows how to fixed this problem :(. Thanks in advance
Son Nguyen's profile picture
Posts: 28

01 July 2014, 11:47

Hi Libert,

As gzip command only compresses a file not a directory, you should use another tool like tar. I hope it is available on your web server

Please find out where is tar by running the command:

$ whereis tar

You should see if your web server is running Ubuntu like mime

tar: /bin/tar /usr/include/tar.h /usr/share/man/man1/tar.1.gz

In your config.php, you can set

$cfg->pathtozip = '/bin/tar';
$cfg->ziprecursearg = '-zcf';

You can now export your porfolio into a zip file. Please then change the file extension from .zip to .tar.gz.

This is a workaround for your issue of lacking zip command.


Son Nguyen

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