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Error with Public Group

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 33

19 April 2014, 18:14


When I do a URL on a group I get this error

Ibes: Site unavailable

A nonrecoverable error occurred. This probably means you have encountered a bug in the system

All the tabs are there but the About page and the Collections never go anywhere.

This has been happening for a few releases, I make the strong assumption it is something I have missed.

The user URL works fine and as expected.

I am using the latest release on Debian with PhP 5.3*

I would live to get this monkey of my back.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 758

20 April 2014, 15:55

Hi John,

The only thing that I can think of is that group homepage has an artefact on it that can't be shown publically or the group homepage itself is not publically viewable somehow.

Are you able to have a look at the web server's error logs to see what errors (if any) are thrown when you load the group homepage?

With the collections all the pages in the collection need to be publically viewable for the collection to be public viewable (otherwise it will prompt you to login).



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 33

20 April 2014, 20:56

Thanks for the reply, it sure is strange behavour and very hit and miss, some groups work others not. I thought I may have been using reserved words, but changing the URL .../grout/[name] does not work.

The error log for a transaction is


[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client] [WAR] 4a (lib/user.php:1681) profile_url called with no user id
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client] Call stack (most recent first):
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * profile_url(object(stdClass), false) at /var/www/lib/view.php:4602
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View->get_url(false) at /var/www/lib/view.php:4272
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View::get_extra_view_info(array(size 1), false, false) at /var/www/lib/view.php:4860
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View::get_views_and_collections(0) at /var/www/lib/group.php:1272
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * group_view_submission_form("7") at /var/www/blocktype/groupviews/lib.php:162
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::get_data("7") at /var/www/blocktype/groupviews/lib.php:56
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::render_instance(object(BlockInstance)) at Unknown:0
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * call_user_func_array(array(size 2), array(size 1)) at /var/www/lib/mahara.php:1557
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * call_static_method("PluginBlocktypeGroupviews", "render_instance", object(BlockInstance)) at /var/www/blocktype/lib.php:763
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * BlockInstance->render_viewing() at /var/www/lib/view.php:2005
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View->build_column(1, 1, false) at /var/www/lib/view.php:1962
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View->build_columns(1, false) at /var/www/lib/view.php:1947
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]   * View->build_rows() at /var/www/group/view.php:68
[Sun Apr 20 18:46:36 2014] [error] [client]


I am not in a position to do a lot of code decyphering :( it is only the About that seems to be effected.


PS if you are logged in it works fine.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 33

20 April 2014, 22:15

Found the reason :)

When setting up a group, if it is to be public you need to leave the Allow submissions unchecked. If checked it wants a page to be approved, and hangs with the error.

Mind you I think that error needs trapping and something a little more meaningful displayed.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 758

22 April 2014, 7:51

Hi John,

Thank you for your investigation. I can confirm that error also happens to me as well.

I have filed a bug report

And have created a patch to fix the problem

The issue was due to a bug where an anonymous user was seen to have a profile page, which is incorrect. The patch should fix this issue.



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