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html exporting and embedded content

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 5

11 February 2014, 6:07


I'm using Mahara 1.8.0 downloaded from on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS with postgresql 9.1.

My question involves embedded media and exporting to html. I've found that certain kinds of content -- in particular those that rely on javascript to be displayed properly in the browser -- are not rendered properly in an exported portfolio. For example, embedded PDFs, videos, and image slideshows do not work. The content itself is included in the exported site, but none of the enabling javascript is.

I assume this is by design, but I am wondering the reason for it.

Why it matters to us: We're considering ways that we could do long-term archiving of portfolios and thought perhaps the html export would give us a way to do that.

Thanks for any feedback.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

12 February 2014, 13:59


As far as I know that's not by design, it's more that the HTML export functionality hasn't been updated to support various new features (such as the PDFs and image slideshows) - I've just tried exporting my own complex portfolio to HTML and identified various other problems.

Exporting to Leap2A will give you a much more complete backup which can then be imported into another ePortfolio site (Mahara or a compatible alternative). Does that suit your needs?


Wullie's profile picture
Posts: 252

12 February 2014, 22:36


Another alternative for archiving is creating a separate institution (with a manual login - which stops the students access or allows them it if you give them the password - if you'd previously setup via mNet) and moving the archived students to that institution, leaving your main one free for only your current students.

Hope that makes sense.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 5

13 February 2014, 8:42

Thanks Jono and Wullie...

Our intent was to create a browsable web site for a couple of purposes -- both for long-term archiving and for allowing external assessors access to the content. But I think your suggestions (move to a different institution, or Leap2A export to a separate instance) make sense and may allow us to do what we need to.

I'm new to the Mahara community. Is there some way I should enter this as a bug or feature request for future development consideration?

Thanks again for your help.


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

13 February 2014, 9:44

Hi Steve,

Mahara uses for its bug and feature request tracking

To submit a bug or feature request (which is a bug with wishlist as its 'importance' setting) you need to go to the Mahara bug tracker page.

You will need to sign up for a account if you do not already have one.

To make a new bug report click the 'report a bug' link on top right of the Mahara bug tracker page and follow the form prompts.




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