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MAC osx xserve install
20 May 2009, 21:14
Hi Nigel,
Appreciate your comment.
"Really, in this day and age??"
I was following the install instructions page at the Mahara Wiki. Do you mean this is unnecessary now?
Cheers, Peter B.
20 May 2009, 22:04
Heh, I meant that in this day and age, nothing should be shipping with that setting on by default - it was a barb at XAMPP
20 May 2009, 21:15
Are there any other improved config items now recommended with Mahara 1.1.3 and the current versions of AM&P?20 May 2009, 22:14
Thanks Peter for the great write-up. Lots of food for thought and great information. I will report on my experiences soon.20 May 2009, 22:16
You're more than welcome Dirk.
I will be very interested to read how it goes for you.
20 May 2009, 22:20
Nice. I did it on just a laptop running 10.5.6, using mamp. Though ive had issues with AMP on debian/fedora/etc systems. Glad there is someone out there who knows an easier way, and I'll keep this one in mind :D You are a champion.20 May 2009, 22:33
Thanks Luke,
I appreciate those pats on my back, but really I think I was just in the right place asking the right questions of the right audience. It's really the XAMPP developers that I credit with making my install so easy.
20 May 2009, 22:37
I went through a period where i forced myself to use nothing but OSX as a means of learning it, as working as a tech it was pretty uncool that it was foreign to me. It was easy to figure out and i had mahara running locally in about 20 minutes. The problems i had on linux based machines were versions of php a[pache and mysql not being compatible and everything pretty much falling over. I didnt have access to apt-get as my workplace is linked to a central server and they will not give me any kind of access(i could have snuck out to the internet through the test proxy but they would have shat bricks) so it made it exceedingly difficult to test things on an isolated machine before i went and made the changes on the actual hosted site.20 May 2009, 22:54
Great to have this discussion.
I heard about Mahara a few month ago while looking for an eportfolio solution. I then re-deiscovered it while attending the Moodle Moot Canada 2009 in April.
I installed Mahara on my white mac book (13 inch) during a rather boring session using MAMP. When I went to the Mahara session I was able to follow along on my own install which was pretty cool. I never did test the email functionality of it though.
I am still not too sure what security features are lacking or turned off in MAMP and XAMP etc. It's probably over my head anyways and that's ok. I think its ok for me anyways as the instance will be on a local subnet only and not accessible from the 'world'. I know its a bit restricting but at least it's a start and I can sleep at night. From experience I know that I get better results in student work when the students work while at school. I don't think we are there yet to provide Mahara as a life long tool which is very neat.
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