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view's group
22 April 2009, 7:46
i search how group's view could be edit, create or delete only by admin's group.
22 April 2009, 10:00
Hello Maxime,
greetings from the Black Forest (Germany).
I think there is no way to restrict the things you want to admins. The great advantage of the new group stuff is the ability to use collaborative work.
The developers may give you hints how to moditfy the code.
HTH Heinz
22 April 2009, 17:07
Hi - there's no setting for it, so it would require modifying the code. You'd need to modify the group_create function in lib/group.php, as well as group/create.php. Some kind of check like:
if (!$USER->get('admin')) {
throw new AccessDeniedException('Non-admins cannot create groups');
23 April 2009, 4:13
Ok thanks.
i known all is design for collaborative work but i think that some admin group want block view's modifications to prevent problems
01 September 2009, 4:13
If group type is course:controlled membership the members of group can only view. No modifications is allowed.