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Countries list
16 April 2009, 13:08
Can anyone tell me which file I have to edit to add a new country to the list users can choose from in their profile? Thanks16 April 2009, 13:48
you will find the strings for the countries in lang/xx.utf8/mahara.php ; xx stands for your language pack. If it's a new language string please give Nigel a tipp to insert it in the en.utf8 langpack.
HTH Heinz
16 April 2009, 14:59
In addition to what Heinz said, you have also to add the country code into htdocs/lib/web.php, in the function getoptions_country.
Then add the corresponding language string as Heinz said.
16 April 2009, 16:47
Thank you. Both actions are necessary. I did what Heinz suggested but it didn't work until I included the country code in the lib/web.php file as Penny said.
By the way, the country is Catalunya and the code 'ct'