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Delays in the release schedule

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Posts: 197

05 September 2012, 0:43

Hi all,

Some of you might have noticed by now that we haven't yet gone into the User Interface (UI) freeze. We're unlikely to meet that milestone before next week.

The Release Candidate (RC) will remain a full week after the UI Freeze.

So why has this happened? We really wanted to bring a responsive design to Mahara to improve the phone/tablet experience. A lot of time has been put into making this a reality, and there were some hiccups along the way which set us back, but perhaps we didn't anticipate how long it would really take. It certainly took a lot of code reviewing!

Currently we are in our final checking of the UI to make sure everything has the level of polish that we expect of a final release.

We will try our best to release 1.6 within the scheduled week, but in reality this is unlikely as we are at the mercy of the RC evaluation period; during which, if people find significant regressions, we will fix them.

This is our first attempt at a 6 monthly release cycle, so we are learning a bit as we go.

Thank you all for your patience, and thanks to everyone who has helped improve Mahara for the 1.6 series.

As always, we welcome your questions about Mahara development, including the new 6 monthly release schedule.

The Release Team

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