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Move Homepage information above dashboard

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 31

28 June 2012, 0:50

Just playing with the new primary school theme in 1.5, really like the Homepage information graphic.
But i wondering how i can move it so it sit above the Home (Dashboard) site page???

Do i have to edit a file for the theme?



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 59

29 June 2012, 8:37

You would have to make changes to the theme yes. I would;

  1. copy the theme and rename it
  2. in your newly named theme folder create a templates folder or use the existing one
  3. copy the index.tpl from the raw theme and place it into your new templates folder
  4. Move the following lines:

    {if get_config('homepageinfo') && (!$USER->is_logged_in() || $USER->get_account_preference('showhomeinfo'))}   
        {include file="homeinfo.tpl" url=$url}

    above this line:
  5. Save and that should work for you.
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