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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Invalid public key

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 8

30 March 2009, 9:58

Hi again,

I don't know if I have to ask this here, but my Moodle/Mahara integration were working fine, until I changed my ServerName from localhost to a IP address. On Networking section from Mahara admin site the wwwROOT has been updated. Then when doing again the integration steps, at Moodle side, on [Networking>>Peers>>Add a new host] I fill the wwwROOT field correctly but the public key is not recognized. It is showed a message like this (I'm working on Portuguese language):


Problem to obtain a public key. Maybe the host does not allow the Moodle networking or the key is not valid. This key has finished at wednesday, 1969 december 31, 21:00.


 And the key box is empty.

I've tried to repeat the steps many times, and even created a new institution at the Mahara side, but I can not integrate Moodle and Mahara again.

Please, does anyone have a idea?

Moodle version: 1.9.4+(Build: 20090326)

Mahara version: 1.1.2

Best regards, Cassia.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 12

30 March 2009, 12:32

I had this problem the other day moving from an IP address to a hostname. Moodle said the key expired in 1970!

I ended up blowing away the database (again) and starting from scratch. Seems to be my answer to everything at the moment! Hopefully the Mahara admins will have a better solution...


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1643

30 March 2009, 18:15


Changing server names almost always ends in tears for MNET. This is because SSL keys are generated for wwwroots, and when you change it in the apache config, the system isn't smart enough to know this and do something about it, like warn you that you just broke MNET.

The critical thing to remember:

If you change your site's wwwroot, you must regenerate the SSL key - and this may mean re-setting up the MNET connections.

We should really make it so that the system detects this, as it happens far more often than we thought it would. But for now, the only solution is to delete the keys.

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