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mahara, moodle and xampp
09 January 2012, 7:49
I install moodle in my pc with xampp successfully and now I want to install mahara can you help me?
09 January 2012, 10:03
Welcome to Mahara, the best place to start to install Mahara is the Installation guide on the wiki
Come back here if you have any trouble.
10 January 2012, 0:51
thanks for help,
but i want to install mahara and moodle together, in my locahost, can you help me?
10 January 2012, 10:04
You could install Moodle in a folder called "moodle" in you www folder
...install Mahara in a folder called "mahara" in your same www folder
The you will have http// o
If you install these on your local machine and have no access to Internet it would be
Does it help ?