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iframe artefacts
21 March 2009, 15:34
Hi! I would like to integrate external content as an artefact - for example a google-map...
<iframe>HTML code here</iframe>
Is that possible?
Thanks for your answer.
22 March 2009, 18:02
Do you mean that you'd like to do it in a View?
In order to integrate external content into views, it either requires a new blocktype, or a signature added to our HTML filter to allow that certain content through.
23 March 2009, 10:11
Yes, I would like to load external content within a view by integrating iframe-code. How can I install a new blocktype or a signature for using iframes within views?23 March 2009, 11:13
Hello Dietmar,
I made the request for embeding external iframe code within the TinyMCE Mahara editor:
The solution for this is to create a new blocktype, as Nigel suggested .
This blocktype needs to be developed.
23 March 2009, 11:47
Hi Dietmar,
the installations of a new blocktype is quit simple. You copy the developed code into the right folder (e.g.: if you have created a new resume blocktype the code goes into /artefact/resume/blocktypes/[Dietmar_resume]
Next step is to go into the admin area: admin/extensions/plugins.php and install the plugin thru a click of the according link behind the plugin name. The new block is avaiable
A good starting point for the development of new blocktypes is to look at the code of an existing blocktype.
What do you mean with "signature"? A new extension for the HTMLpurifier like they are installed in the admin/extensions/filter.php area?
You find an example and despription for youtubehere:
Hope that helps