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Nested fieldset not showing on form

Dan Tina's profile picture
Posts: 20

03 November 2011, 2:06


I am trying to create an artefact with a nested field set and I have the following. The "userinformation" fieldset shows, but the "heightinformation" fieldset is not showing on form (see image on this page:

Please help.


'userinfomation' => array(

'type' => 'fieldset',

'legend' => get_string('userdetails', 'artefact.wlrecord'),

'elements' => array(

'dateofbirth' => array(

'type' => 'calendar',

'caloptions' => array(

'showsTime' => false,

'ifFormat' => '%Y/%m/%d'


'defaultvalue' => ((!empty($userdetails))

? $userdetails->get_combination('dateofbirth')+3600 : null),

'title' => get_string('dateofbirth', 'artefact.wlrecord'),

'description' => get_string('dateformatguide'),


'location' => array(

'type' => 'text',

'defaultvalue' => ((!empty($userdetails))

? $userdetails->get_combination('location') : null),

'title' => get_string('location', 'artefact.wlrecord'),

'size' => 25,


'heightinformation' => array(

'type' => 'fieldset',

'legend' => get_string('heightinformation', 'artefact.wlrecord'),

'elements' => array(

'height' => array(

'type' => 'text',

'rules' => array(

'required' => true,


'defaultvalue' => ((!empty($userdetails))

? $userdetails->get_combination('height') : null),

'title' => get_string('height', 'artefact.wlrecord'),

'help' => true,

'size' => 12,


'htunit' => array(

'type' => 'select',

'options' => $htunitoptions,

'defaultvalue' => get_string('m-cm', 'artefact.wlrecord'),



'collapsible' => true,

'collapsed' => false,



1 result