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Failed to install
19 March 2009, 11:59
Hello All :
I'm new to Mahara , and i need to install it , I'm not an Web Developer , and i need some one to give me Step-By-Step instruction to install it .
But I can create DB , Users , etc , so if any one would like to help me by clarify what exactly i should do in every step.
Thanks in advance
19 March 2009, 18:52
Hi - my suggestion is for you to try and follow the documentation, and when you get stuck, ask a specific question here and we can help you out
The first step - requirements - just check that you have all of them available
19 March 2009, 19:41
Hi Nigel :
Thanks for response , step 1 & 2 done .
For step 3 , i use cpanel to create a database + username
But i don't know what is createdb -U (username who will be connecting) -EUTF8 (databasename)
mysql -Uroot[enter password]create database (databasename);
grant all on (databasename).* to 'username'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
19 March 2009, 20:33
Hi. If you created the database and user to access it via CPanel, you don't need either of those steps - they're just for if you're creating them on the command line
The important thing is, at the end of that step you need a database
19 March 2009, 21:16
Ok Nigel :
Now all i can do for step for is to read it , and i think it come between step 3 and 5 :)
Can you go with me through every item in it
22 March 2009, 13:54
I really wonder if there are any kind of support for such a platform !!!!22 March 2009, 14:48
Hi Yasser,
I think this Mahara site offers the best support. Nigel does an aesome job to assist al people to work with Mahara.
Please take care about the time shift. The wiki offers detailed descriptins about the setup. Please read carefully to enjoy the work with Mahara.
cheers Heinz