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Mail Sender Name
17 March 2009, 7:43
how can i change the sender's name which is shown in emails?
Mahara System [email protected]
My Name [email protected]
thanks for your help.
17 March 2009, 9:55
Hello Dietmar,
the string you mention in your postings looks like a string from the German langpack?!
You will find it in /lang/de.utf8/
$string['emailname'] = 'Mahara System';
It's a simple txt file to edit wth a texteditor like notepad or gedit (linux world )
hope that helps
17 March 2009, 15:28
Hi Heinz!
Thanks, I've found it for the german and english language:
data/langpacks/de.utf8/lang/de.utf8/mahara.php -> $string['emailname'] = 'Mahara System';
htdocs/lang/en.utf8/mahara.php -> $string['emailname'] = 'Mahara System';
17 March 2009, 15:53
There's also $cfg->noreplyaddress, you can copy it from config-defaults.php to config.php and se it to the e-mail you want to use.17 March 2009, 16:20
HI! This seems to be working with the email-address itself, but not with the sender's name. which is shown in the email-client.
$cfg->noreplyaddress = '[email protected]' $cfg->noreplyname = 'Your Name' --> ??? absent, right?18 March 2009, 18:13
Yeah, there's no 'noreplyname' setting - it's just "$sitename System" I think. If you file a feature request, we could make that configurable too