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I got this message while installing.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

05 December 2008, 2:03

Mahara: Site unavailable

Your server configuration does not include the pgsql extension. Mahara requires this in order to store data in a relational database. Please make sure that it is loaded in php.ini, or install it if it is not installed.
How do I fix this. Is it even possible? I have Cpanel. I'm not advanced enough to host on my own yet. 
anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

05 December 2008, 2:06

I don't know if this helps at all,


Bandwidth 100000 MB (100GB)
Home Root /home/a4107747
Server Name
IP Address
Apache ver. 2.2.10 (Unix)
PHP version 5.2.*
MySQL ver. 5.0.51-community


Heinz Krettek's profile picture
Posts: 480

05 December 2008, 3:05

Hello John,

send your hostingcompany a ticket and ask them to install the  pgsql extension.

greetings from the blackforest


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1643

05 December 2008, 3:23


Can you please post the contents of your config.php (make sure to hide any passwords).

Your host information says that you have MySQL available but for some reason mahara is asking for Postgres. Maybe you didn't specify $cfg->dbtype to be 'mysql5' ?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

05 December 2008, 19:35

Thanks alot Nigel. That solved my problem. (I'm new at this.)

I was told this:

Your defined data root directory, /home/a4107747/, is not writable.

I really don't know where/how to find my dataroot in cpanel. Any suggestions?


 * Mahara: Electronic portfolio, weblog, resume builder and social networking
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Catalyst IT Ltd (
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * @package    mahara
 * @subpackage core
 * @author     Catalyst IT Ltd
 * @license GNU GPL
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2008 Catalyst IT Ltd

$cfg = new StdClass;

// database connection details
// valid values for dbtype are 'postgres8' and 'mysql5'
$cfg->dbtype   = 'mysql5';
$cfg->dbhost   = '';
$cfg->dbport   = null;
$cfg->dbname   = 'a4107747_website';
$cfg->dbuser   = 'a4107747_john';
$cfg->dbpass   = 'a4107747_*********';
$cfg->dbprefix = '';

// wwwroot - the web-visible path to your Mahara installation
// Normally, this is automatically detected - if it doesn't work for you
// then try specifying it here
//$cfg->wwwroot = '';

// dataroot - uploaded files are stored here
// must be writable by the webserver and outside document root.
// Mahara will NOT RUN if this is inside your document root, because
// this is a big security hole.
$cfg->dataroot = '/home/a4107747';

// directorypermissions - what permissions to use for files and directories in
// dataroot. The default allows only the web server user to read the data. If
// you're on shared hosting and might want to download the contents of your
// dataroot later (e.g. for backup purposes), set this to 0777. Otherwise,
// leave it as is!
//$cfg->directorypermissions = 0700;

// insecuredataroot - whether to enforce checking that files being served have
// come from dataroot. You would only want to turn this on if you were running
// more than one Mahara against the same dataroot. If you are doing that, make
// sure you create separate dataroots for each installation, but symlink the
// artefact directory from all of them to one of them, and turn on
// 'insecuredataroot' on all the ones you created symlinks for.
// If you don't know what you're doing/didn't understand the paragraph above,
// then leave this setting alone!
//$cfg->insecuredataroot = false;

// system mail address. emails out come from this address.
// if not specified, will default to noreply@ automatically detected host.
// if that doesn't work or you want something else, then specify it here.
// $cfg->noreplyaddress = '[email protected]'

// Logging configuration
// For each log level, you can specify where the messages are displayed.
// LOG_TARGET_SCREEN makes the error messages go to the screen - useful
// when debugging but not on a live site!
// LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG makes the error messages go to the log as specified
// by the apache ErrorLog directive. It's probably useful to have this on
// for all log levels.
// You can combine them with bitwise operations,
// This configuration is suitable for people running Mahara for the first
// time. You will immediately see environment errors, and so can correct
// them. You will be able to see other debugging information in your error
// logs. Once your site is up and running you might want to remove the
// environment level logging completely, and just log everything else to
// the error log.
$cfg->log_dbg_targets     = LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
$cfg->log_info_targets    = LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
$cfg->log_warn_targets    = LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
$cfg->log_environ_targets = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
// This configuration is suitable for developers. You will see all errors
// and they will also be in the logs.
//$cfg->log_dbg_targets     = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
//$cfg->log_info_targets    = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
//$cfg->log_warn_targets    = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;
//$cfg->log_environ_targets = LOG_TARGET_SCREEN | LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;

// The log levels that will generate backtraces. Useful for development,
// but probably only warnings are useful on a live site.
$cfg->log_backtrace_levels = LOG_LEVEL_WARN | LOG_LEVEL_ENVIRON;

// Developer mode
// When set, the following things (among others) will happen:
// * 'debug.js' will be included on each page. You can edit this file to add
//   debugging javascript at your discretion
// * 'debug.css' will be included on each page. You can edit this file to add
//   debugging CSS at your discretion
// * firebuglite will be included, if you are not using Firefox
// * the unpacked version of MochiKit will be used
// These options are a performance hit otherwise, enable when you are
// developing for Mahara
$cfg->developermode = false;

// capture performance information and print it
// $cfg->perftofoot = true; // needs a call to mahara_performance_info (smarty callback) - see default theme's footer.tpl
// $cfg->perftolog = true;
// if neither are set, performance info wont be captured.

// mail handling
// if you want mahara to use smtp servers to send mail, enter one or more here
// blank means mahara will use the default PHP method.
// $cfg->smtphosts = ';';
// If you have specified an smtp server above, and the server requires authentication,
// enter them here
// $cfg->smtpuser = '';
// $cfg->smtppass = '';

// maximum allowed size of uploaded images
// NOTE: the scalable resize might result in images with one dimesion larger than one of these sizes, but not both
$cfg->imagemaxwidth = 1024;
$cfg->imagemaxheight = 1024;


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

05 December 2008, 22:57

please please please help me

I need to know where the dataroot is!

Is there a normal location on Unix Systems? 

Any suggestions?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1643

06 December 2008, 2:15

Hi - dataroot is a Mahara term for a directory where Mahara stores files that people have uploaded (among other things). It's simply a directory that the web server user can write to.

On shared hosting, you simply create a directory, and then use chmod to make its permissions 777.

The directory can not be inside the directory where Mahara's files are. That directory is called htdocs/ in the Mahara code. So if you put that htdocs/ directory at /home/abcdef/mahara, then make your dataroot directory at /home/abcdef/maharadata.

Then in your config.php, set dataroot to be that directory.

Hope that helps.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

06 December 2008, 11:08

That helped clarify what a dataroot is. I followed your instructions. I'm having problems finding the correct path to the folder though.

Mahara is in  root / public_html / mahara /

Dataroot is under root / public_html / wow /

So I tried root/public_html/wow




and ALOT more. I just can't seem to get it working.

And the permissions are 777


And then I put wow right under the root, and outside of public_html.

I tried /root/wow




Nothing is working.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

06 December 2008, 23:05

I played around with this for a long time, and solved my problem.

For anyone else wondering, the dataroot was home/(username)/public_html/wow


Next question. I finished that and moved on. I used the trouble shooting section on the installation instruction to clear up a few more errors. is now bringing me directly to

This page has a disclaimer and an I agree button.

When I hit it, it sends me to:

which DOES NOT exist. It thinks it's someplace else?

When I go to: 

I get this page:


erforming installs and upgrades...

Component or plugin From version To version Information
core Not installed 1.0.6  

artefact.internal Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  
artefact.resume Not installed 1.0.0  
artefact.file Not installed 1.0.0  
auth.ldap Not installed 1.0.0  
auth.imap Not installed 1.0.0  
auth.none Not installed 1.0.0  
auth.xmlrpc Not installed 1.0.0  
auth.internal Not installed 1.0.0  
notification.emaildigest Not installed 1.0.0  
notification.internal Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  
search.internal Not installed 1.0.0  
search.solr Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.file/internalmedia Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.file/filedownload Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.file/image Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.file/folder Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.textbox Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.externalfeed Not installed 1.0.1  
blocktype.externalvideo Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.internal/profileinfo Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.resume/resumefield Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.resume/entireresume Not installed 1.0.0  
blocktype.internal/contactinfo Not installed 1.0.0 Not installed 1.0.0  

Successfully installed Mahara! Continue
There aren't any buttons. How long will this take? is it still doing it?
I reload the page and it's the same.




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 16

07 December 2008, 16:27

Still nothing. I keep trying but it isn't installing anything. I don't know any other way to install it, and the addition of /ml/ into the url is annoying me tremendously.
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