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AddThis blocktype released
02 June 2011, 3:06
More info, download and examples at
Note: It only works with Mahara 1.4 (beacuse of some javascript related things...)
02 June 2011, 3:23
Going through examples again, I've discovered that the small icons doesn't work. I'll try to fix it in a day or two...
If you spot anything else, let me know.
02 June 2011, 14:11
View now also publicaly accessible -sorry for that.
27 July 2011, 4:08
When I try to add the AddThis block onto my profile page, I get the following error
'Could not find element "img_radio"'
The blocktype does get added and links off correctly, but when I go back to the editor page, and click on the settings, I get the same error again (so it's the settings form - as you'd probably guessed already).
This issue is on a Mahara 1.4 on a Ubuntu, Postgres8 server, but seems to be fine on my test Windows XP, MySQL server
Any suggestions?
27 July 2011, 4:15
There should be file called "img_radio.php" in htdocs/blocktype/addthis/form/elements folder. It should be copied to htdocs/lib/form/elements folder during install, but smohow it didn't. Please manually copy it to that location - that should do it.
P.S. I typed the locations from what i can remember, but i think these are the correct ones.