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Mahoodle implementation
11 March 2009, 8:55
We have been trying to set up SSO between Moodle (1.9.4) and Mahara (1.1.1), but have found that we don’t seem to be able to generate a public key. Moodle seems to think it’s 1970. All our other Moodle installations have a public key. (sitting on same server, same installation etc)
I have read other posts that talk about deleting a reference in the mdl-config file, regenerating the ‘mnet’ value, etc, but this sounds a bit dangerous. Does anybody have any other suggestions?
11 March 2009, 9:11
Hi Kevin,
did you notice the manual to setup a mahoodle combo:
11 March 2009, 10:02
Hi Kevin
Deleting the config value from Moodle shouldn't be too hard , or dangerous. If it doesn't work at the moment you shouldn't lose anything anyway.
Might be an idea though, rather than to delete the entry from the config table, just rename the field to have _old or _broken at the end or similar.
Hope that helps!