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Installation problem. Blank update.php page

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 8

08 February 2011, 8:38


I'm trying to install Mahara 1.3.3 on webserver.

When I click Install Mahara it redirects to /admin/upgrade.php and it shows blank page.

Where could be a problem? Undecided

Also there is problem that when I'm redirected to sometimes it shows blank page too, but after few Refresh clicks it start showing: Mahara version 1.3.3 (2010083110) ..... Install Mahara button. Don't know if /admin/ and /admin/upgrade.php blanks is related but it might be...

Mysql5 connection settings are correct.
$cfg->wwwroot = '';
$cfg->dataroot = '/home/portfolio/udata';  (username is portfolio) I made this directory chmod 777

When I try to install Mahara in /udata/ directory is created 8 folders(dwoo, log, sessions, smarty.. etc.) with chmod 700

Very first time I tryed install and got Internal server errror (500) so after seaching I removed all php_flags from .htaccess file and it worked. I also checked all flags in phpinfo() so everything is off, only magic_quotes_gpc is on. But I don't think that this could make any problems with installation..

So I tryed install again. Now I'm redirected to /admin/ page, and there is Install button. And when I click it I get blank /admin/upgrade.php page.

Can this be permission problems?





anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

10 February 2011, 1:13

Anyone... ?

I think this can be permissions problem because in /udata/ directory is created 8 directories(dwoo, log, sessions, smarty.. etc.) with chmod 700, and they should be at least 755.

How I can manually set chmod for these directories?

I know where is chmod() function in php, but I don't know where to put this function in mahara installation code.. Anyone could help me?


PS. Topic title is wrong it should be "Installation problem. Blank upgrade.php page"

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

10 February 2011, 2:15

Ok found that in init.php file there is line:
// ensure directorypermissions is set
if (empty($CFG->directorypermissions)) {
    $CFG->directorypermissions = 0700;

So I changed it to 755 and now directories created in /udata/ are with chmod 755, but still I'm getting Blank upgrade.php page...

Also /admin/ is loaded only on the 4th time. Don't know why. First 3 times when I try to load it gives me blank page. And on 4th try I get Mahara page and Install button...

Any ideas? Undecided

10 February 2011, 3:19

Hello Marius,

Welcome to Mahara.

To install your Mahara instance, please do the following :

1) In your web server (e.g. /var/www/) create a Mahara folder (e.g. /var/www/mahara) and ftp/copy all the files of the mahara distribution

2) Create your datafolder outside the web folder (e.g. /var/maharadata/). Change user/group and permission to these folders

sudo chmod -R 775 /var/maharadata
sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/mahara
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/maharadata
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mahara

Replace www-data with username used by your Apache server.

3) Configure the config.php file

4) Run installation from

This should work fine


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 8

10 February 2011, 5:28


Thanks for reply. Ok I made some research lol. Here it is:

1.  I can't chmod 775 or 777 because it's insecure and if I chmod any file or directory to 775 or 777 I'm getting Internal Server Error (500). I can chmod files and directories to 755 which in my opinion would be enough and should work fine. It's a server settings not allow cdmod to 777 and not allow php flags in htaccess file. Server admins said they made this for security reasons.


2. So I decided to check php error log and here is some lines from it:

[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] [WAR] 4e (lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:485) mkdir(): Permission denied
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] Call stack (most recent first):
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * log_message("mkdir(): Permission denied", 8, true, true, "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 485) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/errors.php:444
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * error(2, "mkdir(): Permission denied", "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 485, array(size 3)) at Unknown:0
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * mkdir("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", 493, true) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:485
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->makeDirectory("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", "/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default/") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:368
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->getCompiledTemplate(object(Dwoo_Mahara), null) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo.php:363
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo->get(object(Dwoo_Template_File), array(size 20)) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:119
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->fetch("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:106
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->display("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/admin/index.php:53

[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] [WAR] 4e (lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:493) chmod(): No such file or directory
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] Call stack (most recent first):
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * log_message("chmod(): No such file or directory", 8, true, true, "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 493) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/errors.php:444
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * error(2, "chmod(): No such file or directory", "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 493, array(size 5)) at Unknown:0
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * chmod("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default/home/por...", 493) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:493
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->makeDirectory("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", "/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default/") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:368
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->getCompiledTemplate(object(Dwoo_Mahara), null) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo.php:363
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo->get(object(Dwoo_Template_File), array(size 20)) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:119
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->fetch("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:106
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->display("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/admin/index.php:53


[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] [WAR] 4e (lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:369) file_put_contents(/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/portfolio/public_html/theme/raw/templates/admin/installgpl.tpl.d17.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] Call stack (most recent first):
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * log_message("file_put_contents(/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compil...", 8, true, true, "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 369) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/errors.php:444
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * error(2, "file_put_contents(/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compil...", "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 369, array(size 4)) at Unknown:0
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * file_put_contents("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", "<?php
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] /* template head */
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] if (function_exists('Dwo...") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:369
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->getCompiledTemplate(object(Dwoo_Mahara), null) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo.php:363
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo->get(object(Dwoo_Template_File), array(size 20)) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:119
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->fetch("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:106
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->display("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/admin/index.php:53
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] [WAR] 4e (lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:371) chmod(): No such file or directory
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51] Call stack (most recent first):
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * log_message("chmod(): No such file or directory", 8, true, true, "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 371) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/errors.php:444
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * error(2, "chmod(): No such file or directory", "/home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Tem...", 371, array(size 4)) at Unknown:0
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * chmod("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", 493) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php:371
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Template_String->getCompiledTemplate(object(Dwoo_Mahara), null) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo.php:363
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo->get(object(Dwoo_Template_File), array(size 20)) at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:119
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->fetch("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/lib/dwoo/mahara/Dwoo_Mahara.php:106
[10-Feb-2011 12:33:51]   * Dwoo_Mahara->display("admin/installgpl.tpl") at /home/portfolio/public_html/admin/index.php:53


As you can see in first error there is permission denied to mkdir(). So I opened lib/dwoo/dwoo/Dwoo/Template/String.php file and manually wrote chmod 755 (was set 777, but I cant use these in this server) but it didn't help... I even in some lines changed $chmod = $this->chmod; to $chmod = 0755; chmod($baseDir, $chmod); to chmod($baseDir, 0775); etc.
But I'm still getting /admin/ and upgrade.php Blank pages.... Undecided


But there is other thing maybe it causes problems. For example in this line:

* mkdir("/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/compile/default//home/po...", 493, true) ....

As you see there is two slashes after /default . So maybe there is a problem? Maybe patches are created wrong?

/home/portfolio/data/dwoo/default is empty... As I understand there should be more directories here and finally some files... ?

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