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Mahara user language

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Posts: 90

21 January 2011, 2:10

Hi everybody,
we have a problem with user's language in our mahara site (v. 1.3.3).
There are two systems that user can use to enter in mahara site: xmlrpc from a moodle (v 1.9.8) and internal.
Well, when the user come from moodle the language used for mahara site is the same that user have in moodle site.
Even mahara update the user's language in the database.
But if user change its language in mahara site (with a different value that in moodle site), the system change this value in the database user's profile and all works fine.
But the next time that user come to mahara site from moodle site, mahara changes again the user's language and update with user's language used in moodle.
This fact not occurs if user uses internal system to login in mahara site.

This is normal?

Thanks in advanced

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