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An error in error.log
17 November 2010, 19:52
I see there are a lot of error in /var/log/apache2/error.log. They are all the same with different client IP
[Thu Nov 18 06:42:29 2010] [error] [client] [DBG] db (lib/mahara.php:2016) PERF: /: memory_total: 14574904B (13.9MB) memory_growth: 13184800B (12.6MB) time: 0.236421s includecount: 188 dbqueries: 3 reads, 0 writes ticks: 24 user: 21 sys: 3 cuser: 0 csys: 0 serverload: 0.43
Can anyone help ?
17 November 2010, 20:58
You probably have a debugging option turned on in your config.php: performance logging.
Look for
$cfg->perftolog = true;
and remove it from there.