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[FIX]Can't connect to Gmail SMTP

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

03 November 2010, 20:06

Hi all this information is for people like me who don't know too much of informatic things

Before anything i'm from argentina and i have 18 years old so i'm so sorry for my english :S

The solution for this error was that the SMTP URL was invalid.

wrong format 

 $cfg->smtphosts = '';

right format

$cfg->smtphosts = 'ssl://';

 $cfg->smtpuser = 'Your gmail username';  
$cfg->smtppass = 'Your gmail password';

Ps: This code must be on config.php in the root folder

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 7

25 January 2011, 23:48

Thanks for the info, I had tried and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working.

Just more info, if anyone's wondering this will work with Google apps, just use the full email address for the username.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 15

19 March 2013, 23:00


yI like this post. it was helpful for me too.. thank a note, google has a security feature that if  this mahara server is some where else than the usual location, google will consider it as a  HACK and will deny the access.

you will have to to then recognize the device sign in. next time  on, it will be fine.

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