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30 September 2010, 4:08
I was implementing SSO in mahara and had some problems. After making some changes in few files in saml that works. But then i install a fresh clean copy of mahara and simplesamlphp just for testing and when i define a path to simplesaml i saml config i have some errors in my logs. something like this:
error(2, "Missing argument 2 for PluginAuthSaml::save_config...", "/var/www/mahara/auth/saml/lib.php", 484, array(size 1)) at /var/www/mahara/auth/saml/lib.php:484, referer:
So, it is fresh instalation of mahara and saml and simplesamlphp. What this logs means. Any ideas.
Second problem on my production mahara is that some users login with sso without the problems but some user have problems. I have users from difirent institutions define by @xxx.xom and so on. The users from when they login with sso have a new account and that is ok, but for users from everytime when they login again the mahara open a new account. But only for users from that domain. It is wierd but i dont know what to do.
So it is many questions...
02 October 2010, 17:57
Hi -
I've just done some testing of the latest dev branch and have only seen one non-fatal error (fixed, and pushed to master). Can you post the changes that you have made, and give more of an explanation of the problems you have had with auth/saml ?
Piers Harding.
04 October 2010, 6:07
I find what the problem is but still dont fix it. The problem is somewhere i saml plugin, somewhere is define that saml takes only 30 characters for user name. So when i have some user that have his username [email protected], the saml only tooks 30 letters and make him a profile in mahara with wrong username. So when user comes again mahara make him another username and so on. So i dont where is define that option.
16 October 2010, 18:37
hi -
Are you using the option "Match username attribute to Remote username" in the auth/saml institution level config for the plugin? This would then enable you to put the matching username in the "username for external authenticaiton" field, which can take values up to 255 chars (just tested with the email address you provided).
Piers Harding.