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How do I hide the "Lost Username/Password" link on the logged out home page?

Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

29 August 2010, 18:45

Anyone can help with this? Is it something that I can do in the themes? Thanks.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 20

02 September 2010, 9:05

Dear Shen,

in the file


in line 1557 and following you see the description of the smarty elements, something like


'register' => array(
                'value' => '<div id="login-helplinks">' . $registerlink
                    . '<a href="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'forgotpass.php" tabindex="2">' . get_string('lostusernamepassword') . '</a></div>'


You can probably change this to something like


'register' => array(
                                'value' => '<div id="login-helplinks">' . $registerlink . '</div>'


which should do the trick.




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