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anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

03 February 2009, 19:02

Hello again, I'm just full of newbie questions.  I read in another post on these forums that it is not possible to make profiles public and in order to view them you have to be logged in.  Is it possible then to create a general guest user account so that potential employers can log in with that and view profiles and portfolios?  However, we wouldn't want this guest user to be able to make any changes what so ever, only be able to view things.  Thank you for all your help!
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

03 February 2009, 21:53

Hi. In Mahara 1.1, profile pages can be made public, at the option of the user. Also, Views can be made available to the public (even in Mahara 1.0), assuming you have turned on 'Allow Public Views' in the Site Options screen.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

04 February 2009, 0:39

Hi Nigel,  thanks again for your help.  I'm trying to upgrade to 1.1 beta 3 but am getting a strange error:

 Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20)

Call stack (most recent first):
  • execute_sql() at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/db/upgrade.php:1006
  • xmldb_core_upgrade("ALTER TABLE {group} ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYIN...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/upgrade.php:271
  • upgrade_core("2008040218") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/admin/upgrade.json.php:71

It bombs out on the core part of the database upgrade right away.  I'm using MySQL as the database for the install.  Wondering if you've seen this one before?  Thanks again!


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

04 February 2009, 2:40

Hi - can you please look in your apache error log for messages that look like they might be related -one of them will have the actual error message that is occuring.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

04 February 2009, 9:38

Hi Nigel, the host my school is using isn't the greatest.  I did find an error log, but not sure if it's what you're looking for.  I'll keep looking around.  Here's what I found though:

 /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/admin/error_log: [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] * log_warn("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:663 [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] * SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/dml.php:129 [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] * execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {group} ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYIN...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/db/upgrade.php:1006 [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] * xmldb_core_upgrade("2008040218") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/upgrade.php:271 [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] * upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/admin/upgrade.json.php:71 [03-Feb-2009 21:26:33] [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] [DBG] dd (lib/db/upgrade.php:1004) GROUP TYPE REFACTOR [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] [DBG] dd (lib/dml.php:127) mysql error: [1060: Duplicate column name 'grouptype'] in adodb_throw(ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20), ) [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] [DBG] dd (lib/dml.php:127) Command was: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20) [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] [WAR] dd (lib/errors.php:663) Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20) [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] Call stack (most recent first): [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * log_message("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...", 8, true, true) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:90 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * log_warn("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:663 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/dml.php:129 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {group} ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYIN...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/db/upgrade.php:1006 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * xmldb_core_upgrade("2008040218") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/upgrade.php:271 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] * upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/admin/upgrade.json.php:71 [03-Feb-2009 21:32:00] [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] [DBG] 09 (lib/db/upgrade.php:1004) GROUP TYPE REFACTOR [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] [DBG] 09 (lib/dml.php:127) mysql error: [1060: Duplicate column name 'grouptype'] in adodb_throw(ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20), ) [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] [DBG] 09 (lib/dml.php:127) Command was: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20) [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] [WAR] 09 (lib/errors.php:663) Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYING(20) [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] Call stack (most recent first): [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * log_message("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...", 8, true, true) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:90 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * log_warn("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:663 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "group" ADD...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/dml.php:129 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {group} ADD grouptype CHARACTER VARYIN...") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/db/upgrade.php:1006 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * xmldb_core_upgrade("2008040218") at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/upgrade.php:271 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51] * upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/admin/upgrade.json.php:71 [03-Feb-2009 21:34:51]

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

04 February 2009, 12:18

Hi Nigel, I decided instead of going through all this trouble shooting I would start from scratch.  We haven't rolled this out yet to the students and I haven't done much customization yet, so there was no real data lost.  However, I have a new problem.  When I try to register a new user there is no CAPTCHA image.  It just says "CAPTCHA Image". 

EDIT:  I looked in the error_log in the mahara folder and found this over and over again:

 [04-Feb-2009 09:32:46] [WAR] eb (captcha.php:53) imagepng(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource
[04-Feb-2009 09:32:46] Call stack (most recent first):
[04-Feb-2009 09:32:46]   * log_message("imagepng(): supplied argument is not a valid Image...", 8, true, true, "/home/statuson/public_html/mahara/captcha.php", 53) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:378
[04-Feb-2009 09:32:46]   * error(2, "imagepng(): supplied argument is not a valid Image...", "/home/statuson/public_html/mahara/captcha.php", 53, array(size 55)) at Unknown:0
[04-Feb-2009 09:32:46]   * imagepng(false) at /home/statuson/public_html/mahara/captcha.php:53
[04-Feb-2009 09:32:46] 

I've also noticed some of the other images around the site are broken or corrupted (they appear about half way and then are just static looking).

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 10

04 February 2009, 16:46

This problem is solved.  Some of the files were 0 bytes.  Not sure why.  Started over again and made sure I had a good upload this time.  All works now, except for a second small problem I'll start a new post over.
anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

04 February 2009, 21:37

Glad you got it sorted Smile
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