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LDAP config - where/how to edit code

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 13

12 August 2010, 10:28

I've reported this issue as a bug, and it has been assigned to be addressed in the next milestone release, but I am hoping someone can point me to a quick fix in the meantime.

On the LDAP config page, the input box for the LDAP connection password is displayed in clear text. Since our systems folks are kind of protective of active directory credentials, we cannot configure LDAP unless I can change the input box's type to "password."

I am not familiar enough with Mahara code to know which file/where to do that. Can someone point me in the right direction?


Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

12 August 2010, 11:34

Hi Melinda,

you can edit auth/ldap/lib.php and around line 546 (for Mahara 1.2.5) you'll see this code:

            'bind_pw' => array(
                'type'  => 'text',
                'title' => get_string('password', 'auth.ldap'),
                'defaultvalue' => self::$default_config['bind_pw'],
                'help'  => true,

Simply change 'type' value from 'text' to 'password' Wink.

By the way, what is the bug number you've opened?


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 13

12 August 2010, 12:33

Thank you so much! I was so dreading having users with one more log in to manage. You are my hero of the day! 

The bug tracker id is 611045.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 13

12 August 2010, 12:46

One more thing - the password is stored in the database in clear text, too, instead of being hashed. ;o(

I suppose that would involve a bit more code juggling.

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