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use homedefaultcontent instead of Site_content:home

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

03 August 2010, 5:17


  I'm using the GUI Translation Interface version of Mahara 1.2, and the translations are going fine.  We've noticed that under install.php there is a string:


  Which we assumed would allow the site content to differ depending on the language, but even with that string there in both english and greek, the content from site_content is shown, with no way to show that instead.

 Is there a way to do this?




anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

09 August 2010, 5:47


Can anybody help with this? I have been working with Craig to try and resolve the issue but no luck as of yet.




Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

09 August 2010, 11:04

homedefaultcontent is not used anywhere in mahara (maybe it was in the past, but it no longer is) :-(

I've had a look at the code and right now there's no way to make site content pages language dependent without modifying the code.


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