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how to create folder for data
14 April 2010, 5:06
hi, i have read all topics with this problem and i still don't find the answer how and where i need create data folder.
I have tryed many places all chmod 777 still nothing. My full path to mahara files:
data folder i create in /domains/ and chmod it to 777 but nothing. I get message Your defined data root directory, is not writable. But i i'm 100% sure that i chmod it to 777 i looked many times. I almost lost hope to install Mahara.
I can give my ftp login and pass if anyone knows how to solve this issue 100%
14 April 2010, 6:54
hey Tadas,
Please don't be disappointed.
i can solve your problem.
Provide me with ftp details.
14 April 2010, 7:23
go maharadata folder and write this:
chmod -R 777 maharadata
if you not put the -R option for chmod, teh maharadata folder is not well configured.
14 April 2010, 9:28
and if i can't use command promt to chmod that folder how can i do it using ftp program?
14 April 2010, 9:57
which ftp client are you using ??\
in most ftp programs there is an option on the change permissions screen which allow to apply the permissions recursively on sub directories and files within them.
see if you can find that option.
14 April 2010, 12:38
im using filezilla, yes it have option which allow to apply the permissions recursively on sub directories and files within them.
In irc mahara chanell said that maharadata folder must be writable by apache server not by me. How can i set owner to apache? Remember that i can't use command promt
15 April 2010, 2:58
So are here anyone who can tell me how to create a data folder and set owner to apache ?
why i have create data folder, why mahara can't do itself ;/
15 April 2010, 4:29
Hi Tadas,
If you set 777 permissions on some thing, then this means every one (the current user, its group and everyone else incl.. apache ) has full access on it.
Mahara can not create this data folder because the 'apache' user (which is running the mahara program ) might not have access to create folder somewhere other than document root (of apache).
many thanks, :-)