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Database Problem

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 7

22 January 2009, 4:49


I already had java turned on. I instaleted it aigan and tried it another time, but it didnt work either. Is there a browser which is better to use for the instaltion or is there no difference.What does the instalation exctly do. Is there a way to do it without the instalation routine. For example can I get the a backup off am mysql database, which is empty, to implemet it into my own database. Or is there no way todo the instalation without the instalation routine.

Heinz Krettek's profile picture
Posts: 480

22 January 2009, 5:21

Hi Amadeus,

the installation should run with all known browsers (my favorite firefox Cool)

during the install all tables are created in the db you installed before you start the install. I Think there is no way to do this on an alternative way.

Herzliche Grüße


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

01 March 2009, 17:06

I'm having the same problem with the same software.

There's probably some problem with XAMP.

I began to install and finished the same place as you.
First install didn't finish and when I try refresh than getting some error because there's allready 61 tables in MySQL which is version 5.0.67.

I can't even properly delete these tables

(#1217 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails).

any idea what can be wrong?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1

19 May 2009, 9:53


I tried to install mahara on my PC which  is Windows Vista and  installed WAMP 2.0. Then I followed the Instalation - Tutorial which is posted here. But it is says that

******* 'Mahara: Site unavailable:

Mahara could not connect to the application database.

* If you are using Mahara,please wait a minute and try again.

*If you are the administrator,please check your datbase settings and make sure your datadase is available.

The error received was:

mysql error:[1045:Access denied for user 'root@localhost' (using password:Yes)]in CONNECT(localhost:3306,'root','****',mahara)


I checked my database...But i cant find a solution........Can anyone help me ...




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