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RSS feeds
11 February 2009, 17:27
Hi Daniel - can you provide a link to a feed that works and a feed that doesn't? I could have a look at the code and establish exactly why the non-working one is failing.15 February 2009, 8:53
thanks nigel, we're seem to have a fix, although not fully utf-8 friendly, acuted chars showing as questionmarks
that's the prob
in blocktype/externalfeed/lib.php there's this part where the red marked is crucial
$configdata = $instance->get('configdata');
if ($configdata['feedid']) {
$data = get_record('blocktype_externalfeed_data', 'id', $configdata['feedid']);
$data->content = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', '"s:".strlen("$2").":\"$2\";"', $data->content );
$data->content = unserialize($data->content);
are you fine with this, any ideas?
15 February 2009, 16:23
I'm not happy applying that solution until I know exactly why it's necessary. It looks like it could be slow and potentially insecure (use of 'e' modifier in preg_replace), so I'd want to be sure it was the correct solution to the problem first. Testing on the command line shows that there's no reason for serialize to be broken for UTF8:
nigel@sivlex:~$ php -r '$str = "Ə"; print_r(unserialize(serialize($str)));' 2>/dev/null; echo
In order to find out what the exact problem is, can you please give me the following information:
- What type and version of database are you using?
- What is the URL to the RSS feed that breaks?
- Do you have magic_quotes_gpc or magic_quotes_runtime on?
- Any other info that will help me duplicate this bug on my system?
16 February 2009, 9:05
Hello Nigel,
I`m a friend of Daniel.
- We are using a MySQL server version 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5.
- All magic_quotes_* are off.
There are two URL where you can see the diff.
Here is the original (untouched) version:
and here is the modified version:
These are two independent instance of Mahara version 1.0.9 (2008040218).
If I could help you more information, please ask me.
Best regards
Gabor Molnar
16 February 2009, 16:36
Thanks for this information, it should be enough for me to duplicate the problem.24 February 2009, 17:28
Hi - sorry, I've been very busy with the Mahara 1.1 release, so haven't had a chance to look at this in detail. I've filed a bug for it so I don't forget it.
You can help by filling out more info on the bug report, if you have any. If you're convinced that <entry> is skipped, then preparing a patch for that would be very helpful
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