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Authorities Administration: Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

17 March 2010, 10:04

Hi Iñaki!

 I have both servers in the same virtual machine, still testing. And in the host file, I have     moodle   mahara

 If I make a ping to I get reply as it's normal.

When I try to configure the XMLRPC plugin, I still get the error. Looking in the logs for the phrase you tell me, in the supossed moodle logs there's nothing. 

 In the mahara access log: 

IP-FROM-WHERE-ACCESING - - [17/Mar/2010:15:54:50 +0100] "POST /admin/users/addauthority.php?add=1&i=mahoodlemoodle&p=xmlrpc HTTP/1.1" 200 3873 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; es; rv: Gecko/20100214 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.8 GTB6"


iIt's quite strange.. As i can see, i have configured the moodle logs to be 

   CustomLog /var/log/apache2/moodle.myweb.es_CustomLog.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/moodle.myweb.es_ErrorLog.log

But... in thost files there's nothing beeing writed. 

Instead of this ones.. I see in /var/log/apache2 there are 2 other files called 



In access.log: - - [17/Mar/2010:15:56:50 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 45 "-" "-" - - [17/Mar/2010:15:56:50 +0100] "POST /mnet/xmlrpc/server.php HTTP/1.1" 404 342 "-" "Moodle"


[Wed Mar 17 15:56:50 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/mnet

It's quite strange, isn't it? I mean, in the apache's moodle configuration files we are telling to be: 

  • moodle.myweb.es_CustomLog.log
  • moodle.myweb.es_ErrorLog.log 

and they're not registering anything. Maybe some apache miscofiguration¿¿ ??


Again thanks! ;)  Gero arte.. ;)

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

17 March 2010, 10:45


Uuuu.. i have the solution

in the server /etc/hosts I had :     moodle   mahara

and it has to be

SERVER_IP     moodle

SERVER_IP   mahara

Now it seems that it works!!!! 

Thanks!! ;)  Tomorrow I'll continue with this again.. ;=)


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

18 August 2010, 18:13

Thank-you, Koro Gabiola.

This hosts setting was exactly what was causing issues.  I am happy to report that the integration between the Moodle & the Mahara now works just fine.

Mike Landis's profile picture
Posts: 7

22 February 2011, 15:03

Another cause of this, which took me HOURS to track down, happens when the SSL certificate on your moodle server isn't signed by an authority that your mahara server trusts.

Our Mahara server was running on an ubuntu system, and we had used a COMODO root SSL cert on our windows IIS moodle installation.  The intermediate certificates for the root SSL cert were not installed on the moodle server.

Almost every browser out there recognizes COMODO certs, and nobody was reporting any problems.  But I tried "wget" on our ubuntu server and it threw up an error:  "cannot verify certificate, issued by "<insert your CA details here>"  Unlable to locally verify the issuer's authority."

You may want to check your SSL connection with "wget" on your mahara system to as a tool to confirm that Mahara indeed can reach the moodle server and properly recongizes the key.

The solution for us was to add the PROPER intermediate certs for COMODO on our IIS installation via mmc.  Briefly:

  • Start menu / Run
  • mmc
  • File menu .. Add Snap-in for Certificates ... add to COMPUTER account / local computer ... ok finish
  • Expand Certificates (Local Computer) and find Trusted Root Certification Authorities
  • Rightclick .... All tasks ... Import
  • Browse for crt from your SSL cert issuer, ok finish etc
  • Restart IIS

I hope this info helps someone else out too.


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