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Authorities Administration: Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host

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Posts: 9

03 March 2010, 9:12

Good afternoon. I'm driving nuts, and even if I have instaled twice all the system, I can't get it to work
I'm installing in a Debian Lenny Virtual SErver (Virtual Box)

I have installed Mooddle and Mahara, and I'm able to log in both system as admin without any problem

I can access both sites:

My apache configuration is as follows (maybe is here the mistake?)

NameVirtualHost server_IP:80

<VirtualHost server_IP:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/moodle
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %q \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\""
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/moodle.myweb.es_CustomLog.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/moodle.myweb.es_ErrorLog.log


NameVirtualHost server_IP:80

<VirtualHost server_IP:80>
        DocumentRoot /var/www/mahara

        ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/mahara.error.log
        CustomLog /var/log/apache2/mahara.access.log combined

#        <Directory /var/www/mahara>
#                AllowOverride All
#        </Directory>

Until now everything works. Now i'm using the Mahoodle.pdf to use SSO to integrate Mahara with Moodle.
But when I have to configure the XMLRPC plugin, I get the following error

"An error occurred while retrieving the public key from the remote server.
Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host."

In the fields I'm putting this:
AuthorityName: MahoodleXMLRPC
www root:
Site name:  Mahoodle Moodle (this can we any name that I want, not?)
Application: Moodle
Port number: 80
Parent Authority:None
SSO direction: SSO in
Update user info on login: YES
We auto-create users : YES

In the error log I can see:
[Wed Mar 03 14:46:44 2010] [error] [client] [DBG] 57 (auth/xmlrpc/lib.php:844) 404: Incorrect WWWRoot or Application: file not found., referer:

Can anyone tell what is happening? I have been reading in internet for the solution, but I can't find it

The PUblic Key
Valid until:  31 marzo (MARCH) de 2010, 15:34

and mahara's one: Public key expires      03 March 2011, 2:40 PM


Thanks in advance. I hope you can understand my, sorry for my english!
Koro Gabiola

enabled on the remote host

Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

07 March 2010, 11:52

Hi Koro,

what's the value of $CFG->wwwroot in your Moodle config.php file? It's very importat that you specify the exact value of $CFG->wwwroot in the'www root' XMLRPC Mahara setting.

Regarding the 'Site name:' setting you can specify any name you want. Mahara uses this value to print the name of the remote server in case you configure a 'SSO out' connection. But it doesn't check this value against anything on the Moodle side of the connectino when you 'SSO in'.

Hope this helps :-)


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

09 March 2010, 10:26

Hi Iñaki!!! Thanks for your reply. 

Here is what you tell me: 

$CFG->wwwroot   = ''

It's exactly what I'm putting on it. If I put this, the error is: 

An error occurred while retrieving the public key from the remote server.
Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host.


And If i put another thing, lets say:  'http://moodle.myweb.es2222' (something that's not ok)

I only get: An unknown error occurred while processing this form


Thansk again!;)

Iñaki Arenaza's profile picture
Posts: 253

14 March 2010, 18:14

Hi Koro,

sorry for the delay, it's been a really busy week. You usually get that error when Mahara can't contact the right location or when it can't retrieve the key from the peer (because networking is not enabled).

Given that you seem to be specifying the right location, I wonder if the Mahara server is able to contact the Moodle server. I mean, is there any firewall between them that could be filtering the traffic? Is the routing working? Is the DNS correctly resolving the Moodle server name? (from the Mahara server)

You could also check your Moodle server web access logs to see if you get any hits to something similar to this (the 1625 number may vary):

    "POST /mnet/xmlrpc/server.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1625 "-" "Moodle"

This is the request Mahara sends to the Moodle server to get the public key from it. If you don't see anything similar to this in your Moodle web server logs, we should investigate why.

Hope this helps :-)

Gero arte,

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 5

17 March 2010, 8:59

Hi, I am having a similar problem.  I have Moodle and Mahara on the same server (Win 2K8 Std) running under IIS. I setup Networking with Keys on both sites.  Maraha says the same as above.  In Moodle I placed Mahara in the Networking > Peers as a site and after trying to connect from Mahara under the 'Add an Authority' section moodle says it last connected  11:56:57 17/03/2010 which gives the idea it connected.

 Mahara WWW root is exactly the same as the Moodle config file.  Moodle has a block with a link to access 'Network Servers' with Mahara listed and clicking on it gives the following Mahara error:-

Mahara: Invalid Parameter

A required parameter is missing or malformed

We don't seem to have any authentication plugin instances configured for the host at  XXX {listed sited correct}

 Any ideas as  I cannot get Mahara to go past the

Authorities Administration: Please ensure that the Application and WWW Root fields are correct, and that networking is enabled on the remote host

and so set up the link.  Moodle logs have no errors.   Mahoodle.pdf gives no answers

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 5

17 March 2010, 11:46

It's great that you have fixed your problem.

Anyone any idea with mine on IIS7

Moodle at FQDN/vle
Mahara at FQDN/mahara

Still no further forward!!

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

18 March 2010, 3:16

HI! I'm very new to this, so I don't think I'll be able to help you , but.. let's give a try

There's no error log?

in /var/log/apache which files do you have??? 


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 5

18 March 2010, 5:43

Hi Koro Gabiola,

Thanks for your response - this is not under Apache but under IIS7 and Windows 2008, if you have any ideas it will be appreciated.

To make this one easier I have moved this thread to a new topic


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 9

18 March 2010, 6:44

OK.. ok.. I'm afraid that I have no idea with IIS.. ;( never do I have worked with it.. ;( 

Good luck.. 

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 20

26 March 2010, 9:37

Hi Pete

using IIS 6 here, had the same problem but reverted to LDAP for now until we get a way round it,

 it is something to do with them being FQDN, on my test network works fine without FQDN, but got it down to the proxy server blocking it, but still havent worked it out how to change it.

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