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Adding students to groups
02 March 2010, 10:16
Does anyone know if there is a way to add multiple students to a controlled group altogether? I can only see a way of inviting them individually at the moment but that will take too long.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Anna Holloway
Learning Technologist
Newman University College
17 March 2010, 20:39
The only way I know this could be achieved at present is via SQL statements in the database table 'group_member'. You (or your database admin) would need to get the member IDs from the 'usr' table and insert values for the appropriate group number, eg.
INSERT INTO `group_member` (`group`, `member`, `ctime`, `role`) VALUES
((SELECT id FROM `usr` where (lastname like "bloggs" and firstname like "joe")), 2, '2009-01-01 10:10:10', 'member'), ((SELECT id FROM `usr` where (lastname like "doe" and firstname like "john")), 2, '2009-01-01 10:10:10', 'member');
This would insert the users "joe bloggs" and "john doe".
It would be great if this functionality was built into the Mahara interface.
24 June 2010, 18:14
Hi Anna
The new version 1.3 has an interface for adding multiple users to groups. This has two columns which allow multiple users to be selected and added to the group.
You can see this in action on
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