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The curl extension problem when installing Mahara

Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

14 February 2010, 22:23


I'm trying to install Mahara and the installation page of Mahara says:

"Your server configuration does not include the curl extension. Mahara requires this for Moodle integration and to retrieve external feeds. Please make sure that curl is loaded in php.ini, or install it if it is not installed."

I've tried to enable the curl extension in php.ini by uncommenting extension=php_curl.dll and have restarted the server. But the error message is still appearing.

I have installed the Postgres Plus Standard Server v8.3 and it has Apache and PHP bundle installation package. The link below is the installation guide for the whole package.

Has anyone here have used this package before for hosting Mahara? Just wondering whether I should stick with this package and try to get the Curl extension working. I'm worried that the PHP extensions are so limited in this package that it's not worth using for hosting Mahara.


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