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Fresh Install problem - database encoding?
09 December 2009, 0:29
I downloaded Mahara 1.2.0 from and tried installing on a Debian platform, Apache server with MySQL 5.0.45, PHP 5.2.5 and I have been unsuccessful. I keep getting the message that the database is not UTF-8 encoded and to drop it, recreate it and reinstall.
I have dropped and recreated new databases umpteen times and still get the same message. Here is a screen shot of my PhpMyAdmin screen. Does it not say the encoding is UTF-8 Unicode? I keep toggling the MySQL connection collation on the left from utf8_general_ci to utf8_unicode_ci and that hasn't helped either.
Please, somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
Thank you so much!
09 December 2009, 7:40
Hello Sarah,
I'm no expert, but try this... after creating your DB before installing Mahara have a look at the collation in the Operations-tab. It should be utf8_general_ci too.
best regards,
09 December 2009, 9:29
To add to Elhu's post, scroll down the operations page and make sure that Collation drop down menu is utf8_general_ci and click on the Go button. This carries out the following command:
ALTER DATABASE `databasename` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
10 December 2009, 14:33
i have also tried creating the database by changing the collation to utf8_general_ci .. but of no use
the same error is shown again and again.
You are not using a UTF-8 database. Mahara stores all data as UTF-8 internally. Please drop and re-create your database using UTF-8 encoding.
hope if anyone could fix this one
10 December 2009, 17:10
Thank you so much Elhu and Ali.
Your suggestions solved my problem!
11 December 2009, 6:24
More than happy to help Sarah.
I am wondering if users who are having the Collation database problem is creating their databases with MYSQL Administrator? I am using version 1.2.12
10 December 2009, 15:27
I personally use SQLyog (which is a MySQL database graphical user intrerface)...
Anyway - in PhpMyAdmin switch to SQL tab, write the following SQL sentence and click Go button.
CREATE DATABASE dbname CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
where dbname is the name of your Mahara database (usually mahara). Then install Mahara. It worked for me
10 December 2009, 17:30
Gregor, thanks for mentioning that you use SQLyog. I had never heard of it before and I am interested in learning more about it, so I'm going to check it out!