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MySQL Error 1064 problem when install...

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 8

09 February 2009, 12:22

By looking at some of the other threads I seem to have solved this problem myself.

By increasing the resource limits in the php.ini I was able toget it past the installation stage.

It works OK with the following

max_execution_time = 120     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60    ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
;max_input_nesting_level = 64 ; Maximum input variable nesting level
memory_limit = 256M 

Hopes this helps someone else.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

24 February 2009, 13:47

I'm receiving error 1064, but the install breaks at the same place.  I always have 58 tables, and it stops at:

CREATE TABLE view_layout ( id BIGINT(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, columns TINYINT(1) NOT NULL, widths VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )TYPE=innodb

I attempted running the SQL command directly, and received a syntax error... I'm a complete MySQL newbie, so I'm not sure where to start to make the install finish.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

24 February 2009, 13:49

...under closer inspection, I realized that MySQL is interpreting "columns" as the commmand "COLUMNS," versus the name of a table column...

However, I'm still not sure how to approach fixing this as far as the Mahara install is concerned.  Thanks to anyone who can provide some guidance.

I'm running PHP 5.2.5 if that's at all helpful.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

24 February 2009, 18:18

Hi - thanks for the report. Interestingly, this can't be happening on all MySQL installations, otherwise I'm sure we'd have lots of bug reports. Do you know what version of MySQL you're running, and on what platform?

The fix is to quote the column name correctly, we might have to make a patch to XMLDB to make it quote that particular word. I created a bug report for this.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

24 February 2009, 14:23

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

10 February 2012, 10:32

Re : Could not execute command CREATE TABLE config


During the installation http://localhost/mahara/htdocs/admin/upgrade.php

for the core

I had the error message stating : « Could not execute command » CREATE TABLE , with table « config ».


First, I followed the advice here, as given by Jonathan :

increasing the resource limits in the php.ini

max_execution_time = 120     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds


memory_limit = 256M 


Then, I created a new database, as Richard has adviced :


Successfully installed Mahara!



anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

24 February 2009, 14:26

I changed the following in mahara/lib/db/install.xml:

<TABLE NAME="view_layout">
    <FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="true"/>
1columns" TYPE="int" LENGTH="1" NOTNULL="true"/>
    <FIELD NAME="widths" TYPE="char" LENGTH="255" NOTNULL="true"/>
    <KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id"/>
    <KEY NAME="columnwidthuk" TYPE="unique" FIELDS="

The table was then created with the field called "1columns" instead of simply "columns."  After the install completed successfully, I used phpMyAdmin to change the field name back to "columns."

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 22

03 April 2009, 12:39

We are having the same problem and can't get Mahara to install on WAMP. The advice above has helped so far, but we still are stuck at 60 tables.  We changed columns to 1columns and got 61 tables. Should we go down the line and change every columns to 1columns?

Alternatively, does anyone have an unpopulated database/fresh install that they could zip up and send to us?

We are very interested in this product and can't wait to start kicking the tires.


anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 6

03 April 2009, 16:24

Colin --

Anytime that the script bumps into a reserved word, like "columns," it's going to break.  You should, however, see Mahra complaining when the CREATE command is excecuted if this is the case.  You may want to start with a fresh version of the script file, then make the 'temporary' changes to table names.  Perhaps you inadvertently deleted something when editing...?

Be sure to go back into your MySQL database and change it BACK to "columns" when the install is finished.

I've read other posts about the install "hanging," which seemed to be related to timeouts (specifically, how long the server is willing to let a script run before it bails) or some other server-side setting, not necessarily with the install itself.  Search about the forums here--I recall several posts on the topic.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

03 April 2009, 22:47

We fixed the bug that was causing the column name to not be quoted correctly in 1.1.1. Are you using the latest version of Mahara? If you are, maybe you've run into a slightly different problem. It would be helpful if you could drop and re-create your database, run through the installer, then check your logs (database log, apache error log) to see if there's any clues as to why it failed.