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I need some guidance.

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 112

01 December 2009, 11:28


        I am really new to this software and I need a little bit og guidance. I looked here on this site for some help but, couldn't find anything. We need to modify a few things. We're not doing anything with education so, we need to remove the institution function from the site. I couldn't find anything in the admin panel to do this. We need all of the other functions though. I thought about just deleting the files but, then the navigation would still have the link. Any ideas on this?

Also, how do you edit the help content? This would be the content that shows up after you click on the icon. This must be simple. Any help is appreciated.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 808

01 December 2009, 21:49

You can remove navigation links directly in the mahara_standard_nav() function in htdocs/lib/web.php, or if you want to avoid messing with core code, by implementing the local_main_nav_update() function in htdocs/local/lib.php.

The help content is located in the language packs.  The default one appears in all the lang/en.utf8/ folders directly under htdocs/ and also in various plugins scattered around the place.

You can create new language packs:

or customise existing ones:

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 112

02 December 2009, 11:46

Thanks for the help. It was pretty easy removing it within the core files. Just one more thing.

In the user settings under the  activity preferences and notifications institutions still show up. When I looked in the files I noticed that they refer to forms. I looked in the forms directory but, nothing there seems to be able do remove these options. So, I have two questions regarding where those options could be removed.

Are they in the same directory as the web.php or in a different directory? I also noticed that the databases have something to do with these options as well. ( I could be wrong) So, would we have to strip the fuctions from the database and a file to remove those options or just the database?

This is the only thing that I haven't figured out yet. I have to admit that the core coding is pretty easy to modify. I also love how the software operates and is definately what we were looking for. Thanks for the help in advance!

 P.S. - I hope what I wrote makes sense:)

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 228

02 December 2009, 13:51

Hi Allen,

If you look near the top of account/activity/preferences/index.php, you'll see that it's making the list of notification types from getting the records out of activity_type.  You could delete the institutionmessage from that table, but then I think you'd run into a problem if that type of activity actually happened.  You could maybe change that index.php file to skip that activity type though, and you could also maybe modify the function that handles activities (lib/activity.php activity_occurred) to also skip activity of that type.



anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 112

02 December 2009, 18:00

I might be a dummy here but, if we don't use that part of the software then that activity type could never be used right? We removed it from the navigation so, users could never access that part of the site. Is there something I am missing. I haven't done anything and I will wait until I get a response before we remove anything. We definately don't want to make more work for us:)
anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 228

03 December 2009, 2:06

Theoretically yes, absolutely.  I would tend to error on the safe side though.  If you inadvertently broke the notification processing, it could potentially stop other notifications going out, so it would be better to be safe than sorry I guess.
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