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1.2 Upgrade/Clean Install Hangs

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 808

01 December 2009, 21:33

I've done a bit of testing and I can only reproduce this error when the database collation (from the command "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'collation_database'") is different from the collation on the column (e.g. from "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM event_type").

I still don't know how the databases are getting into this state. I don't believe it's really important what the collation actually is, but you should try using Steve's ALTER DATABASE command to set the default db collation to be the same as whatever collation is on your tables.

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 105

02 December 2009, 5:34

Hi Richard,

got the Update to run through. Collation of the db has to be the same as collation of the tables as you said. Utf8 is not enough.In my case db and tables needed to be utf8_general_ci

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1643

16 November 2009, 16:48

I think you guys might have fallen prey to an issue where we changed some javascript, but you're still running the old stuff. So a refresh is causing you to get the new javascript, and thus fix the problem.

I might add some instructions about that to the upgrade page. We don't have a solution for versioning static files in Mahara at the moment that would fix this problem - something to be implemented at a later date I'm sure. 

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 808

16 November 2009, 21:06

I've seen some sites just change the url of the .js file by adding a useless parameter, for example changing the reference to "" in the script tag of the head element to say "" instead.  It seems to force a refresh for me in firefox.  Do you think that would fix the problem for most people, and if so, should we just make the change for the next (1.2.1) bug fix release?


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1643

16 November 2009, 22:46

It doesn't work when the files go through some proxies, which is a shame - you have to vary the filename itself rather than the get parameters (some proxies cache ignoring those parameters).

Still, would probably fix the problem for most people. I'd suggest making it a structured thing - e.g. do it for all javascript or static files and make the version number bumping happen automatically (or even do it by a hash of the file contents). Otherwise, you'll cause more problems than necessary.

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