Forums | Mahara Community
1.2 Upgrade/Clean Install Hangs
16 November 2009, 7:31
Attempted to perform upgrade to 1.2 from a fully functional 1.1.7 this morning.
Firstly the upgrade hangs on updating core.
Then I tried to build from scratch (although fully operational still limited to our office, so no big deal) , including new database etc and we hang on installing core.
Firebug he say..
elem is null
Line 2947
anonymous(Object name=node) Packed.js (line 2947)
processingStart("Loading ...") mahara.js (line 156)
sendjsonrequest("upgrade.json.php", Object name=core, "GET", function(), function(), true) mahara.js (line 177)
processNext() upgrade.php (line 67)
anonymous() Packed.js (line 3060)
[Break on this error] while((_34b=elem.firstChild)){\n Packed.js (line 2947)
jeOS 8.04.3 (Ubuntu Server VM)
PostgreSQL 8.3
Any help, tips, or suggestions for an alternative lifestyle appreciated ;)
16 November 2009, 7:38
Strange end to this tale.
I hit refresh (out of frustration more than any technical reason) and the installation ran in about four seconds.
To freakish to be a real fix so I guess the above post still stands.
16 November 2009, 9:32
Exact same experience as Gary, above. Sat for >5 mins doing 'nothing', hit refresh and completed in about 5 seconds.16 November 2009, 10:35
My upgrade from 1.1.7 > 1.2 also hangs with IE 7 but does not install with a refresh. I tried with Firefox and receive this error:
Component or plugin From version To version Information
core 1.1.7 1.2.0 Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "mdl_artefact_blog_blogpost_file" RENAME TO "mdl_artefact_attachment"- execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost_file} RENAME T...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
- xmldb_core_upgrade("2009022622") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
- upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
16 November 2009, 16:57
First question, out of interest - you picked "mdl_" for a database prefix? We normally see that for Moodle installations
I'm not sure exactly why you'd be getting that error though. What database type are you using? MySQL? You might have to drop and restore your database, then try the upgrader again. If it still doesn't work, have a look in the apache error log for your Mahara installation, and see if you can find the error message (which should be at the end of the file) - it has a bit more information than what gets put on the upgrader's screen.
Another bit of information that would help, if you can get it, is a list of all the tables in your database. You can get that through PHPMyAdmin if you have that installed, or through the SHOW TABLES command in the MySQL shell.
17 November 2009, 10:13
Thanks Nigel.
I didn't pick mdl_ prefix was out of my hands at the time
Yeah we are using MYSQL and also tried dropping and restoring the database but reproduced the same error.
Apache Error log:
* log_warn("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "mdl_artefa...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer:
* SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: ALTER TABLE "mdl_artefa...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer:
* execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {artefact_blog_blogpost_file} RENAME T...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer:
* xmldb_core_upgrade("2009022622") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer:
* upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer:
Thanks again.
17 November 2009, 18:25
Hm, I was expecting to see another backtrace there, one before that backtrace. At this stage, given you tried it again and it failed, I wonder if the problem is that the table doesn't exist for you. Are you able to get a list of all the tables in your database as it is before being upgraded?
18 November 2009, 6:56
Hi [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:997) Reading HTML filters, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - GoogleVideo, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - TeacherTube, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - SciVee, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - Skype, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - Twitter, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - SlideShare, referer: [INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1009) - YouTube, referer: [Wed Nov 18 09:59:24 2009] [error] [client] [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) mysql error: [1005: Can't create table './testmahara/mdl_import_event_subscription.frm' (errno: 150)] in adodb_throw(CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,, referer: 7a (lib/dml.php:128) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction), referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) )ENGINE=innodb, ), referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) Command was: CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [Wed Nov 18 09:59:24 2009] [error] [client] [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),, referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction), referer: [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) )ENGINE=innodb, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),, referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction), referer: [WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) )ENGINE=innodb, referer: Call stack (most recent first):, referer: * log_message("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...", 8, true, true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * log_warn("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * execute_sql("CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (, referer: i...", true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * execute_sql_arr(array(size 3), true, true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * create_table(object(XMLDBTable)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * xmldb_core_upgrade("2009022622") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: * upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/, referer: , referer: Tables_in_mahara |
mdl_activity_queue |
mdl_activity_type |
mdl_application |
mdl_artefact |
mdl_artefact_access_role |
mdl_artefact_access_usr |
mdl_artefact_blog_blogpost |
mdl_artefact_blog_blogpost_file |
mdl_artefact_blog_blogpost_file_pending |
mdl_artefact_config |
mdl_artefact_cron |
mdl_artefact_event_subscription |
mdl_artefact_feedback |
mdl_artefact_file_files |
mdl_artefact_file_image |
mdl_artefact_file_mime_types |
mdl_artefact_installed |
mdl_artefact_installed_type |
mdl_artefact_internal_profile_email |
mdl_artefact_log |
mdl_artefact_parent_cache |
mdl_artefact_resume_book |
mdl_artefact_resume_certification |
mdl_artefact_resume_educationhistory |
mdl_artefact_resume_employmenthistory |
mdl_artefact_resume_membership |
mdl_artefact_resume_personal_information |
mdl_artefact_tag |
mdl_auth_config |
mdl_auth_cron |
mdl_auth_event_subscription |
mdl_auth_installed |
mdl_auth_instance |
mdl_auth_instance_config |
mdl_auth_remote_user |
mdl_block_instance |
mdl_blocktype_category |
mdl_blocktype_config |
mdl_blocktype_cron |
mdl_blocktype_event_subscription |
mdl_blocktype_externalfeed_data |
mdl_blocktype_installed |
mdl_blocktype_installed_category |
mdl_blocktype_installed_viewtype |
mdl_blocktype_twitterfeed_data |
mdl_blocktype_wall_post |
mdl_config |
mdl_cron |
mdl_event_subscription |
mdl_event_type |
mdl_group |
mdl_group_member |
mdl_group_member_invite |
mdl_group_member_request |
mdl_grouptype |
mdl_grouptype_config |
mdl_grouptype_cron |
mdl_grouptype_event_subscription |
mdl_grouptype_installed |
mdl_grouptype_roles |
mdl_host |
mdl_import_queue |
mdl_institution |
mdl_institution_locked_profile_field |
mdl_interaction_config |
mdl_interaction_cron |
mdl_interaction_event_subscription |
mdl_interaction_forum_edit |
mdl_interaction_forum_instance_config |
mdl_interaction_forum_moderator |
mdl_interaction_forum_post |
mdl_interaction_forum_subscription_forum |
mdl_interaction_forum_subscription_topic |
mdl_interaction_forum_topic |
mdl_interaction_installed |
mdl_interaction_instance |
mdl_notification_config |
mdl_notification_cron |
mdl_notification_emaildigest_queue |
mdl_notification_event_subscription |
mdl_notification_installed |
mdl_notification_internal_activity |
mdl_search_config |
mdl_search_cron |
mdl_search_event_subscription |
mdl_search_installed |
mdl_site_content |
mdl_site_menu |
mdl_sso_session |
mdl_usr |
mdl_usr_account_preference |
mdl_usr_activity_preference |
mdl_usr_friend |
mdl_usr_friend_request |
mdl_usr_infectedupload |
mdl_usr_institution |
mdl_usr_institution_request |
mdl_usr_password_request |
mdl_usr_registration |
mdl_usr_watchlist_view |
mdl_view |
mdl_view_access |
mdl_view_access_group |
mdl_view_access_token |
mdl_view_access_usr |
mdl_view_artefact |
mdl_view_autocreate_grouptype |
mdl_view_feedback |
mdl_view_layout |
mdl_view_tag |
mdl_view_type END OF TABLES Cheers, Ali. |
18 November 2009, 17:09
I cleaned up your error log so it's easier to read:
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:997) Reading HTML filters
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - GoogleVideo
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - TeacherTube
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - SciVee
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - Skype
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - Twitter
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1006) - SlideShare
[INF] 7a (lib/upgrade.php:1009) - YouTube
[Wed Nov 18 09:59:24 2009] [error] [client] [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) mysql error: [1005: Can't create table './testmahara/mdl_import_event_subscription.frm' (errno: 150)] in adodb_throw(CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
7a (lib/dml.php:128) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction)
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) )ENGINE=innodb, )
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) Command was: CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[Wed Nov 18 09:59:24 2009] [error] [client] [DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction)
[DBG] 7a (lib/dml.php:128) )ENGINE=innodb
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) plugin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) event VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) callfunction VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id),
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_plu_fk FOREIGN KEY (plugin) REFERENCES mdl_import_installed (name),
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_eve_fk FOREIGN KEY (event) REFERENCES mdl_event_type (name),
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) CONSTRAINT mdl_impoevensubs_pluevecal_uk UNIQUE (plugin, event, callfunction)
[WAR] 7a (lib/errors.php:738) )ENGINE=innodb
Call stack (most recent first):
* log_message("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...", 8, true, true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* log_warn("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* SQLException->__construct("Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE mdl_import...") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* execute_sql("CREATE TABLE mdl_import_event_subscription (
i...", true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* execute_sql_arr(array(size 3), true, true) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* create_table(object(XMLDBTable)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* xmldb_core_upgrade("2009022622") at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
* upgrade_core(object(stdClass)) at /data/httpdata/v-hosts/
Strangely, that's a different error than the one about the artefact_blog_blogpost_file table not being able to be moved. Instead, it's complaining about the import event subscription table, due to the dreaded MySQL error 150 - which normally means MySQL couldn't create the table with the given foreign keys.
Could you please paste the output of these queries:
DESCRIBE import_event_subscription;
DESCRIBE event_type;
DESCRIBE import_installed;
19 November 2009, 9:04
Hi Nigel
Apologies for the 'messy' error log
Yes I did notice it produced a different error but when i refreshed the browser I receive the first error I posted above.
Below are the MYSQL (version 5.0.67) table descriptions from a 'clean' install of Mahara 1.2, obviously these tables are not created within our uprade:
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | bigint(10) | NO | PRI | auto_increment | |
plugin | varchar(255) | NO | MUL | ||
event | varchar(50) | NO | MUL | ||
callfunction | varchar(255) | NO |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
name | varchar(50) | NO | PRI |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
name | varchar(255) | NO | PRI | ||
version | bigint(10) | NO | |||
release | text | NO | |||
active | tinyint(1) | NO | 1 |
Hope this helps and thanks for your help too.
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