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open_basedir restriction in effect.
25 December 2008, 3:20
25 December 2008, 9:47
Hello again,
I have some additional information. The errors come when config.php shows << $cfg->dataroot = '/mahadata'; >> and when << $cfg->dataroot = '/home/username/domains/';>> the errors are gone but then my browser returns: << error HTTP 404 cann't find: mysite com home user name domains public html mahara admin>>. Enableing the $cfg->wwwroot line does not seem to effect this 404 error at all.
Cheers & merry Chrismas
25 December 2008, 10:43
It sounds like you're running with safe_mode on - is this a shared host? Is there any way you can get safe_mode turned off?25 December 2008, 14:52
I don't know if I'm on a shared host. How can I check? The phpinfo() returns:
safe mode= off
safe_mode gid = off
safe_mod_included_dir = no value.