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I can install Mahara on Win7, Xampp, postgre SQL. but...
16 September 2009, 19:20
After sucessfully installation my login time using administrator account is too short near to 1 second, I do not know why, Please help.16 September 2009, 20:09
Hi Camilo,
I had some issues with a win 7 xamp install until I set the $cfg->wwwroot in the config.php - try setting it instead of relying on Mahara to guess the wwwroot and see if that works.
17 September 2009, 19:23
I am using the following configuration:
$cfg = newStdClass;
$cfg->dbtype = 'postgres8';
$cfg->dbhost = 'localhost';
$cfg->dbport = '5432';
$cfg->dbname = 'mahara';
$cfg->dbuser = 'root';
$cfg->dbpass = 'pass';
$cfg->dbprefix= '';
$cfg->dataroot = 'C:\\xampp\\datamahara';
I can login sucessfully in mahara but, the login time is too short and I don´t know how change this parameter, Please how can i get login in mahara as administrator for a longer time?.
17 September 2009, 20:46
as I mention in my post above - try setting $cfg->wwwroot in your config.php
if you look at the config-dist.php file you will find the $cfg->wwwroot commented out by default as Mahara tries to automatically detect this - it doesn't always work reliably under windows.
it might need to be something like:
$cfg->wwwroot = 'http://localhost ';
$cfg->wwwroot = 'http://localhost/mahara';
18 September 2009, 0:23
you will find the session lifetime setting in "/admin/site/options.php"
Please take care that this affects not only your time but the session life time for all users.
HTH Heinz
18 September 2009, 12:16
Dan, Thanks but I already changed the config as you said. Heinz shoul I change this part of the code?
'sessionlifetime' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 4,
'title' => get_string('sessionlifetime','admin'),
'description' =>get_string('sessionlifetimedescription', 'admin'),
'defaultvalue' =>get_config('session_timeout') / 60,
'help' => true,
20 September 2009, 16:06
You can just go to the admin page and set the session lifetime - no need to change the code. Though I don't believe the session lifetime is your problem, it sounds like you might have some kind of cookie related problem now.20 September 2009, 17:10
just to confirm - you've set the wwwroot in config.php right? - NOT the dataroot which you pointed out in the post above? - the reason I'm pushing on this is that I've seen the exact same issue under Win 7 prior to setting the wwwroot. - and you haven't posted details confirming that you've done that.
*Edit* - also In your post above you have listed your dataroot with double slashes - any reason why you've done that? - shouldn't it be:
$cfg->dataroot = 'C:\xampp\datamahara';
20 September 2009, 18:48
A side note - once you request your first page, the wwwroot is copied to the DB, and then the DB copy becomes the master I think - so it might need to be changed in there too.13 November 2009, 15:54
Are there any step by step instructions on how to do a install with XAMPP and Mahara on local host? Much appreciated. (using Moodle 2.0)