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anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 21

15 May 2009, 6:06


I'm trying to clone one of our Mahara installations onto a different server. I've managed to copy all of the files across/changed the webroot/imported the database etc and everything appears to work at first. However, once you login and then try to interact with the pages in anyway (for example changing your email address) it asks you to login again. It actually does the task you request, its just very annoying having to input your name/password everytime. Any suggestions?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 1643

17 May 2009, 19:18

Did you change the wwwroot in the database?

You may want to check that the session directories are writable. I would go into your dataroot, and delete the entire sessions/ directory (it will be re-created the next time you hit a page). That way it should be created correctly and writable to.

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