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Install mahara
08 April 2009, 17:44
I'm trying to install Mahara on a Linux server hosted by I'm trying to setup the config.php file using the config-dist.php, but I'm lossing the battle.
my site is
I created a mysql5 database and update the config.php but Im still getting the same error messages.
Any thoughts?
08 April 2009, 20:07
Hi - that error suggests that you have missed copying some files to your server? It seems to be missing config-defaults.php (which sits in the htdocs/ directory).10 April 2009, 7:48
I am also trying to get Mahara installed using 1& Here is the error I get after initially going to my Mahara's location:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /homepages/45/d236596071/htdocs/mahara/init.php on line 88
10 April 2009, 14:06
Hi! That sounds like maybe your host has php4, rather than php5. Mahara needs php5 to run :)12 April 2009, 17:16
I re-installed all the files that come with Mahara on my server. I had to add:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php to the .htaccess file. Info.php shows 5.2.9 version now.
I'm now getting :
Mahara: Site unavailable
I have tried to change permissions to /uploaddir/ to 0777 but no change. I have tried changing permission to other directories with no luck. I found another site on the net with the same problem:
Any thoughts!
12 April 2009, 15:53
Here is a response I got from 1& I did pretty much what his email suggested. However, I did edit *$cfg->dataroot =, and had to comment out the lines with php_flag and php_value. Below is part of the email:
"Regarding your case about Mahara installation, I was able to install Mahara with out any syntax error. What I did was put a .htaccess on the directory of Mahara with the line AddType x-mapp-php5 .php . This is upgrade your PHP version to PHP5. Also, I placed php.ini files on each folder of Mahara with the line magic_quotes_gpc = Off .
Here are the steps I did:
1. Download the Mahara zip file to my hard drive.
2. Upload the Mahara zip file using FTP or Webspace access on the Control Panel.
3. I unzip the zip file using Webspace Explorer.
4. I then went to Domain Overview and edit the destination my domain to point to the htdocs directory inside the unzip folder of Mahara.
5. I then upload the .htaccess inside htdocs folder and then upload php.ini to all directory of inside the htdocs folder.
6. I then edit the config.php, on the last line I didn't point to the htdocs. "$cfg->dataroot = '/homepages/17/d198769174/htdocs/my_root/mahara/';"
7. I then run the installation of Mahara.
If you have any further question place call an look for me so I could help you further.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
James Levi Pangilinan
Technical Support
1&1 Internet"
I am still having problems with the magic_quotes+gpc.
14 April 2009, 10:46
Changing the .htaccess and the php.ini in every sub-directory did the job for me. Super !!!!!!!
Thanks for your help!